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my BestFraand/BoyFrannd <3

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: his house (:
Langauge: ENGLiSH!
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

it was 6th grade when I met patrick.I knew right away that I liked him a lot.
he was cute,sweet,and funny.he had chestnut colored long-ish hair,that curls under at his shoulders.And side swept skaterrr bangs.He has hazel eyes,
Patrick is chubby,not skinny.But not too chubby,but nonetheless,I love him (:
we bacame bestFrannds.in 7th grade,he begged me to be his girlfraand.
I said yes,obviously,without a doubt.On Sunday,the 5th of July,he had a pool partyy.All of our friends were there,I should mention,we are 13 years of age,going into 8th grade in thee fall.Well,my story begins at the pool partyy.

Where to begin? I got to his house around 9 a.m and woke him up.He was sleeping,as usual,so I jumped on top of him on his bed,and kissed him.He woke up,and took a shower,while I went to the kitchen to make us breakfast,
and to get ready for the cookout/pool party.He got out of the shower,got dressed,and came out to help me in the kitchen.We got out the burgers,
hotdogs,bratwursts,steak,and the salad,potato salad,pasta salad,etc.
we were expecting quite a few people.About 50 of our closest friends came,at about 11.Some hopped in the pool,others layed out to tan,
some sat on the grass,or under the trees.Pat’s pug was running around,
playing frisbee with our friend chace.Pat was cooking on the grill,and everyone ate.We had the music turned loud,and everybody was dancing and having a good time.Things kind of turned when pat and I went to his room to get changed,because I wanted to put on my booty shorts,and a tank top,and he wanted his basketball shorts and a t-shirt.Well,we found our friends [who shall remain nameless] on his floor,having sex.We kicked them out,and continued with the party,sort of shocked.The party ended at about 5,and we
cleaned up.Our friends.Kevin and Kaitlyn,stayed and helped clean.
We finished late,and kaitlyn and kevin left.I stayed at his house,I decided to sleep over.Luckily,his mom and stepdad were on their honeymoon.
We layed down on his bed,and turned on a movie.We watched the Friday the thirteen movies,and then just layed down.It was late-very late.We got up and made smoothies,then went back to his bed.He kissed my forehead,and told me he loved me.I told him I loved him too,and we started making out.
Before I knew it,we were talking about it.The big it.He asked first.
I told him I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.I wasn’t on the pill,and he didn’t have a condom.I knew how to have sex,just I had never done it.
Neither had he.I told him that if I was going to have sex,it needed to be with somebody I truly loved,and would stand by me if I got pregnant.
He promised he would never leave me.We made out for awhile,before we took off our clothes,and got on the bed together.he told me he needed to get hard before we could have sex.He sat down,naked,facing me,andput his hand on top of mine,and led it towards him.He put my hand on his penis,
and showed me what to do.I stroked it,and masturbated him for only a few minutes,before he got hard.he layed me down,and spread my legs.He told me if I wanted him to stop,then to just tell him.he went on me,and just rubbed his penis around my vagina.I had an orgasm,and we were both getting wound up.He kissed me,and asked me if I was ready.I whispered yes,and he pushed himself into me.I cried out in pain,because it hurt a lot.
He was 7 inches,and he pushed himself into me,completely.I started crying,
and pat asked if I was okay,if I wanted to stop.I told him it hurt,but I didn’t want to stop.We kissed,and I stopped crying.He pumped up and down,
and we both moaned.The pain ended,and it started to feel AMAZiNG.
He groaned really loud,and had an orgasm.He ejaculated deep in me,and a warm sensation filled me.He kept pumping,harder and harder.There was blood on the sheets,on me,on him.He broke my hymen,and we were both a mess.We moaned,and both orgasmed at the same time.We made love for an hour,and then jumped in the shower.We washed up,and while we were in the shower he pushed me up against the wall,and we had anal sex.
When we were clean,we threw the sheets in the wash,and layed on his couch,naked.He got on me,and entered me again,it was better,not as painful.
I gave him a hickey,and he wanted me to give him blow job to get him hard again.I sucked and licked his penis.He got an instant hard on,and came in my mouth.I swallowed his cum,and he straddled me and I pulled him in.
He wanted to go rough,so I told him to go for it.We had rough sex for a half and hour,moaning and groaning,and feeling the pleasure.He cummed in me four times,I orgasmed a few times.He sucked and bit my breasts,and then fingred me.At around 4 a.m we finished.We fell asleep on his parents bed,
I was laying on his chest.When we woke up in the morning,his parents were home.They were mad that we had sex.They knew,they found the sheets.
I apologized,and they told me to stay.A month passed,and I missed my period.I thought I was just sick,so I wouldn’t get it.then another two months passed.I missed my period both months.I gained weight,and was throwing up in the morning.I was always hungry,and my back hurt.Patricks mom brought me to the doctor,with patrick,and they did a blood test.It revealed that I was pregnant.I told my parents,who were still clueless that I was sexually active,
and they kicked me out.Patricks mom and stepdad took me in.They loved me,and patrick,and our growing baby.We both got little jobs,and had saved money,Pat’s parents supported us,and when I conceived,I had twiins,
a male and a female.We were both excited.Patricks mom babysat for us during the day,since she worked from home.We went to school,and graduated both with honors.We finished middle and high school,
and our friends [all of them] were there for us through it all.
within the years a few close friends had children if their own (such as kevin and Kaitlyn) and we are now 19 years old.Patrick proposed to me last night,during dinner with our children.We now have the twins,who are 5 years old,and we have another son and daughter,our son is 3 and our daughter is 7 months old.We are both very happy about how our lives have turned out.
And patrick kept his promise.He stood by me.And,I love him.He is my bestfrannd as well as my boyfraand,and I don’t know where,or who i’d be without him.I love him,now & always.My bestfrannd,my boyfraand,my everything,the love of my life <3 my first,my last (:

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