Where it happened: On my back
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight
All I ever thought about was sex. I just couldn’t get a boyfriend , too ugly I guess. I had a fight with my brother on the hay wagon and marched home making him do it with Steve . He came in all mad and mad . You better me help put it in the barn. That next morning at 530 he told me to get dressed for more hay loading, but I refused. He pulled me to the edge of the bed pulled up my T-shirt and tried to put his cock in me. I rolled to my belly and he started proding me. Helpless and fighting he couldn’t get me. I wasn’t scared , but fighting angry. That’s when he went anal. He wouldn’t stop and I never quit either. Next time I’m taking it . He was referencing to my virginity. I told Dad and he just said you better listen to your brother or you will lose it because he doesn’t lie. Dad you wouldn’t let him would you. You don’t want to find out he said. I was my brothers slave for all summer fall and winter. I did every choir when he said. The spring came and the back fence was down and I didn’t fix it because I was studying for a test and forgot. My brother was furious ! I have chased livestock all evening from the grain field. Did you fix the back fence? I will answer for you . NO! I was wanting him to forget his promise. I can go do it now, I said running to get my shoes. It’s too late I fixed it ! No you didn’t , I stuttered. I warned you , he said . I told you what I would do if you didn’t listen. He showered and I walked a path around the living room rug. I told Dad when he came in . You can’t let this happen Dad. He is going to take my Cherry. Your nineteen and you still have one . Don’t you have hormones he said and went to the store. My brother waited three weeks as I worked harder than ever before on the ranch. I slept with my jeans on and my door baracaded. Then one day I was riding Doll my pony when a rope grabbed me from a tree. I looked up at my brother sitting there. I got you and it’s a nice day for a trucking. Let me go I said and Doll walked away and there I was swinging a foot above the ground. He climbed down to the soft grass . You might thank me some day. Nah I don’t think you will. He removed my boots and sox. Then my jeans and undergarments. The rope was holding my arms to my body and he spanked me as I was swinging in circles bare ass’d. He cut the rope and I fell with numb hands. We can make it hard or easy . Please easy please please please. That’s the obedient sister I know and love. Throw your clothing on the grass and lay down on them. I Was down there holding my hand over my entrance when he pulled it out of his pants. It was just hanging there and his sweaty balls were hanging low. Next time you will not forget will you? I’m sorry I pleaded . Me too he said. This is punishment so you ain’t getting foreplay. I was expecting the worse . It was so big and fat now and he asked me to move my hand. It dripped as it came closer. When it made contact . This is it I said. Can’t do it he said and he left me there. I want a boyfriend.