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my cousin and me

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: on vacation
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

last week i nwent on vactaion to go visit my family i saw one of my little cousin at first i didn’t reconize him he was tall hott and sexy and looked like he was my age and the thing was he was flirting with me too . and i saw all my other cousins to . he was the only boy out of all of us and i was the a couple of days went by we all shared on room so what happed next was easy . we were out that day all day so i was really tired my girl cousns and i shared one bed and his bed was on the otherside of the room that nigt i got red up with my cousin china who sleeps really bad she was making me fall off the bed so i got up and went over to his bed i guess i woke him up cause the next i noticed he kept trying to kiss me i told my self that if he kissed me i would sleep at the other end but that didn’t happen he kissed me . and i kissed him back then he grabbed on to my back and pulled me closer then and started squeezing my bum and knocking his body up agaist mine i rapped my legs around his waist then he started pulling my short off and open up my pantie and stuck his finger in i grabbed on closer and moaned then he stuck it higher and higher and he had me gasping for air in pleauser then i opened up his boxers and gave im a hand job and he started calling out my name it was so sexy then i gave him head and hes like yes yes i came back up and he said jj turn around and the stuck it in it hurt for thik a second and it felt so good and he went back and forth and back and forth then hen turned me around again and put it in the front he went all th way up and i called out his name and he turn his dick around and around it was the nices thing i ever felt . then he took it almost out just leaving in the head and ramed it hback in againg and gave me an orgasim we did a whole lt more before we fell a sleep whn we woke up the next morning no one other that us new what happen last night and had it 3 more time before i left .

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