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My Dearest Karla

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: On the Couch in My Appartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I sopose the story started a while before my first time with Karla. I was a normal boy, I thought about girls and such, fanticized about my few pretty teachers the cheer leaders, and so forth, yet I never accually got any where with any one, my parents made sure of that. I only was allowed to date who they approved of.
Anyways my one freind John had a older sister named Karla, who I had seen around at his house while hanging out, and had sort of taken an interest in. She is about 5′ 2″, not a tall over proportioned girl, just cute little Karla with her large head, and shining smile. Her brown flowing hair is a few inches past her sholders, her brown eyes have a glimer to them that I just can’t help but love. And her personality is full of a sinical humar, with some good prankster skills, and some sort of easy going air to her that makes her a social butterfly.
Any way it took me while to really apreciate these things about her, at first I only noticed figure, which I think every boy notices first, it was attractive in Karlas own unique way. But really she wasn’t payed any more attention for a while, considering she was older and and I was 10 or so inches taller. Besides it seemed that if I dated a girl that wasn’t “sugested” by my parents I lost all the privlages they controled, or basically I was severly grounded.
Later I graduated High school, got a job at a nursery and moved into a apartment with my buddy John rather than go to college like my parents wanted. John was always throwing little parties, and Karla was always showing up and visiting at other times to. And we would chat and eventually I began to really apritiate her, and I think she started to like me too because we started to talk to others less and less and more and more to each other.
Eventualy she came over after college(she went to a local college) as was her costum, and I was the only one there. Any way she asked where John was and I told her he had went on a trip to his girlfriends house(he ocasionally spent nights there) and she just said she probably ought to be going then, and I asked her to stay and talk saying a hated being alone. Well we chated on the couch for a while and then I kissed her. Afterwards she just looked at me with this sort of passion to her, and just looked right into my eye as if seeing through them(a look I’m a little more used to now) and kissed me back. Any way you know howthings go, I started to rub Karla, “petting” her, first on her arm then moving my right arm to her side of her stomach, and then onto her breast. By then she had one of her hands rubing my penis and the other under my shirt on my back. She eventually slipped my shirt of, and next I slowly sliped her blouss off and unhooked her bra revealing her small firm yet gorgious breast and little perky niples that I proceded to lick and nible a little.
Then kissing her soft smooth stomach I moved down to her skirt and began to remove it, all the while she was laying flat on the couch. After I had removed her underware I started to remove my pants but she sat up off the couch and told me she wante to remove them, and pushed me flat onto the couch. She then unbuckled my pants and pulled them and my underware off, putting my penis out in the open cool air.
Then Karla slid her short little body on top of me proped herself up with her hands and slid my penis into her. As she did her thing my hands wandered all over her, especally to her breast niples which I lightly squeezed and rubbed. Eventually I wanted to do some of the work so I ask if I could be on top, she simply said, “Ride me tiger” with her distinct gigle mixed in. I then rolled her flat on the couch with her legs spred apart and began to try to get a rythm while not putting too much wheight on her, pumping back and forth.
Eventually she began to make a “OOOH… OOOH” sound and say “faster, FASTER!” as she rubbed my back and kept a hand on my butt. Eventually she must have orgasmed, actually she says more than once, but I just wwasn’t ready, and eventually I felt it coming as she was making some loud scream, and the couch was rocking sort of sliding along the hardwood floor. And finally it happened, it all ended in a moment as the semen rushed out into her and she stoped squeezing my butt. We both were very sweaty and she repeated that look as seeing through my eyes breathing hevily and then kissed my neck gentally(she was too short to kiss my lips) after rolling me mostly off of herself. I then adjust myself so that I was looking her straight in the eyes, kissed her and then told her “I love you.”
A few months later we were married, and lived together happily since.

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