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My First Make Out!

Age when it happend: last year,2008
Where it happened: in my apartment
Langauge: malay and english.
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

u can call me Red.and my baby at that time is Purple.
hmph,our story is quite complicated.coz in 2008,i had fell in love with this Purple.She already has a bf at that moment.but then,she also had fell in lveo with me.i asked her to break up with his bf if she wants me.yet,she did.
Then,22 dec,2008…my school’s prom nite.Purple was my prom date.i thnk,it is the most bored prom nite in my life.haha
after prom nite,she told her mum that she sleepover in her friend’s house.but then,she refused to go with her friend,yet..she wnts to sleep with me.then,i brought my baby went to my apartment.

malay versi plak.haha
i kiss my baby.not a usual kiss,but a french kiss.
then,Purple start rabe i.she said,rub any parts that i wnt.
wow,what the fish.is this heaven?then,i rabe tetek Purple.once i rabe,i tau..die prnh kena rabe ngan laki laen.
but who cares rite?i tk pkir ape2.then,i rabe bahagian bwh pula.wow,its sticky.i rase mcm sesuatu lendir di pepet nye.tk kusangke pule yg bulu pepet nye lg tebal dr i punye.haha
then,masing2 naked.i msk kn my fuck finger in her pussy.rase mcm,aahh.tau tk jelly,korang try cucuk jari dlm jelly tu,
tu la rase bile msk kn jari dlm pepet.then,i gosok bahagian atas pepet nye dimane ia dipanggil biji kelentit.Purple menjerit keransangan.nafsu ku lg la HOT rite.then,masing2 telah kepenatan.then,Purple said,ape rase nye bile blowjob?
oopss,shes the one who make a move.then,die mengalihkn muke nye ke arah kote ku.then,Purple blowjob smbl meramas telur ku.i rase mcm tk selesa,coz my baby blowjob dgn menggunakn giginye.rase cm ngilu pun ade.at that moment,br i tau.i la die punye 1st blowjob.then,after air mani ku dipancutkn ke dlm mulut nye,i rase cm lega sgt,rase cm,haa…
then,she said,’okay syg,its ur turn’.i really2 blur at that time.then,she whispered,lick my pussy la syg.i cm,wow..is this heaven again?haha
then,i lick my baby’s pussy.rase cm,jilat sumthg yg lembut,mcm jelly pun ade.i jilat byk kali.then,Purple terangsang.die menolak kepale i dkat lg dgn pussy nye.dlm atie i,ppuan mmg bernafsu tinggi.am i rite?haha
then,she said to me,next step syg.i still blur.blowjob dh,lick my baby’s pussy dah.then i asked her.
what is it syg?she said,lets have a sex.but then,i suddenly remember my bro’s said.test ur gf virgin before u fuck her.
so that,u wont regret after u fuck her.
i still dnt understand what he means.then,i msk kn 2 fingers in her pussy.i msk kn jari i smpi tidak kelihatan lg jari jemari i.but its weird.tk keluar darah pun.
br i tau,my Puprle dh tkde virgin.then,i smile with evil face.
tkpe la baby,i pnat.kite bwat next time je la k.then,she agreed.
now,she is not my baby anymore.die berpaling kat her last ex.then,now..die tgh keje kat coffee bean dang wangi.try la cari die.she said,die sorang je ppuan.maybe dh kena sixsum kot kat coffee bean tu.haha
now,i feel so regret coz now i knw.she is a bicth.ape yg student kate psl Purple mmg btol,she is a bitch.she live in titiwangse.and now,i’ve heard that shes new bf is ajim.nah,mule2 mmg saket.coz rase nk make out ngan Purple blk.but then,i thnk wisely.bwat ape i nk chase sum1 yg dh tkde virgin,am i rite?
maybe my story a little bored,but its really happened.and she had gave me a lesson,…A BITCH IS ALWAYS A BITCH.they wont changed.thnks purple,coz give me an experience.and i wnt fall in love with a bitch again.mmg best bile make out or having sex,but make sure ur gf ade virgin la.klu dh tkde virgin tu,boyz called it BITCHY!

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