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My God!

Age when it happend: I was 20 and he was 19
Where it happened: At a motel
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I met this guy from the internet and I started to have a crush on him. I didn’t think he liked me but I finally got the nerve to ask him out, since I wanted him to be mine. He was hestitant since he was burned in the past from other girls but I insisted that I wasn’t like that. He was from the states and I’m from Canada but it didn’t matter. Well, after about a month, I fell head over heels in luv with him. He was the perfect guy for me, since I found him very attractive and plus, I’m a sucker for younger guys. After a few months of chatting on the net and on the phone, we decided to finally decided to meet. The day before, I was nervous beyond belief, b/c I was scared that he wasn’t who he said he was. I was scared that he’d be some drag queen or some old guy with a huge beer gut! It’s the normal thoughts of when you meet someone from the internet. Well, I went to pick him up at the station and I recognized him right away! I immediately began to have butterflies in my stomach and I was all light-headed! He was goddamn more attractive face to face! As soon as we went on the subway, I started to cuddle him. I could tell he was extremely nervous and shy. Well, we were hanging out at the motel room for the day and all we did was sit and talk. The next day we went someplace and spent the day there. I don’t remember where but oh well. Anywho, we went back to the motel that night and we were laying on the bed just looking at eachother. I was waiting for a while for him to make a move on me but he didn’t cuz I guess he was scared so I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him to me. I kissed him long and hard and he kissed me back that way as well. I have no idea what spurred him but he immediately got up and took off my pants. I was really naive then cuz I had no idea what he was planning on doing next. As he started to take my panties off, I started to get really nervous. Then he said, “Part your legs…let me pleasure you.” And I still had no idea what he was gonna do until he began to lick my happy spot. The sensation was incredible. No guy had ever went down on me before and I was always against it but christ! He’s very very good at it and it didn’t take any time for him to bring me to an orgasm. I felt so light-headed and spent after he was done! The he asked me to give him a blowjob! Again, I’m very inexperienced, since I never have given a blowjob. But I tried and well, he enjoyed it! Then he took his pants and boxers off! Good lord, he had a huge dick! This might sound stupid but I never ever saw a naked guy up close. I was very shy that he was seeing me naked but he kissed me gently and told me not to be afraid. He put on the condom and he told me that if the pain was too unbearable to just tell him to stop. As he tried to enter me, I was way too tight and the pain was so damn bad! It took a couple of more tries until he finally entered me. The pain was so damn bad but then it stopped and I felt this pleasure that I have never felt before. As he continued to thrust gently, I began to moan and purr. Seeing this, he started to pump me harder and wow!!! Oh god! After about 30mins of fucking, he finally came. I felt so close to him but I was also very scared that he would go home and then totally forget me. But after, he cuddled me in bed and told me that he loved me. I knew right then that we would be together forever. I was so glad that I waited and that he was my first. I wasn’t his first but he wasn’t too experienced at sex either so it felt like in a way I was his first. He was my first at everything and he taught me a lot about sex and vice versa. After that, every time he came down to visit me, we would end up screwing four times a day for the week he was staying! Hehe! Well, it’s been a year and a half together and we’re engaged and he’s planning to come up and live with me. =)

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