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Age when it happend: 8
Where it happened: My bed
Langauge: I've never had sex before but I love chicken and s
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

WELL.. I was all alone in my room, see… and well- I was looking at my left hand.. ( the female ) and I was like.. “HOLY FUCK-WAGANS BAT-MAN WANNA FOOK!?”

Little did the left hand know.. I had the power to control her, and make her do what ever I wanted her to. SO I MADE HER DO IT!!! I MADE HER CORREZZZ MY BAWLZ… AND THEN HAVE THE LONGEST HAND-SHAKE IN WORLD-HISTORY… WITH MY… you know- that little dangling thing down there that you can PISS OUT OF..

BUT ANYWAYS, after it was all over, I looked at my messy bitch-ass hand, and told her, “LISTEN BITCH, CLEAN YOURSELF UP OR I WILL MAKE YOU DO IT AGAIN!!! YOU MESSY FUCK.” mean face … “Grr?”

ANWAYS- That was my first time.. Thank you. <3

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