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My Neighbor

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was getting home from school as my neighbor is. He is so hot. Well he usually comes over after school and we hang out. He did this, we were laying on my bed which is not uncommon. He started giving me a look, and i was thinking that he liked me. I leaned over and kissed him, he kissed back. I felt his hard dick on my pants, and it felt good. i asked him if i could suck it, he said sure. i gave him a bj until he came, then he ate me out until i came, and one thing led to the other and we started fucking, he only lasted like 3 minutes the first time, but the second was less painful and amazing. I screamed FUCK ME HARDER< HARDER< FASTER, OH YEAH BABY. my mom walked in on us. i didnt know she had gotten home. she seemed fine about it, she just told us that we could only do it, at my house or his. anyway it was amazing. we are still together, and happily married, sex is better now, but the first time was great.

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