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my prince charles

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: boyfriends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well my name is jana-alexia and my boyfriends name is charles, but everyone calls him charlie.
hes a yr older than my so yeahhh… anywayz i was at his house on a friday night (i always go to his house on a friday night) and we were sitting on his bed watching some movies when he randomly kissed me on the cheek. i was like woah! but i love so i kissed him back. we started kissing for a while-ino we’re just 12-then he got on top of me and started to take my top off (i’ve got pretty big breast. i’ve probably got the biggest in yr 7) so i only had my bra on. charlie is a really sweet guy hes so strong… hes got a 6 pack too and hes only 13!! so any way i took his shirt off and i could tell he had a hard on soo i took of his shorts to reveal his gigantic penis!! i mean it was so huge n long!! btw it was 8 inches long which i pretty big for a 13 yr old.
he next took of my shorts and started to eat me out!! i was in heaven!! then he started to put his penis in my vagina.. he was so gental and kept stopping to ask me if i was alright.. after like 10 min he was pumping and the he jizzed in me which was a shock but who cares..

we’re still together now and i lovehim to bit..
im a chearleader at school so all the boys fight over me so hes very lucky to have me..

love u so much,, my prince charles

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