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My Sister-In-Law, Jennifer

Age when it happend: 29
Where it happened: My Bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was a confirmed bachelor at age 29 — last year. And I had never had sex with a woman, believe it or not — although there was plenty of “self-love” (jerking off), that kept me satisfied. I guess I had just not found the right woman.

My older brother, Bill,was 8 years older than me, and had married this beautiful brunette that he had dated throughout high school. She was 3 years younger than he was.Her name was Jennifer, and she was an absolute doll. Even after they were married and had a couple of kids, I used to dream at night about how great he had it with a girl like, and, although I knew it wasn’t right, I also dreamed about how I could get into her pants. But, I never tried.

I went off to college and started teaching school. Bill and Jennifer, lived about 200 miles from where I lived, and I didn’t get to see them a lot, except during the holidays. They always came home, with the twins (girls) every Christmas, and usually for My Mom and Dad’s birthdays, and for Easter.

Last year, unexpectedly, my Brother, Bill, died suddenly of a heart attack, at age 37. It was hard on all of us. No one ever suspected he had a heart condition, but apparently he did, and one day, about 8 months ago, he was out jogging, and he just fell down and died. A neighbor saw him fall over in the road near their home, and by the time he got to him, he was gone.

As I say, it was hard on all of us, his wife, his twin daughters, my parents and myself. I told her at the funeral that if there was any way I could help her, I would try to do so. She thanked me, but said that Bill had left a nice life insurance policy, and she and the girls would get by.

After that, I heard she was working as a Secretary in an insurance office, and, according to my parents, just making ends meet.Expenses were a lot more than she had expected.

A few weeks before Christmas last year, she phoned and said she and the girls would like to come for Christmas. She had no family of her own, except some distant cousins, out East. My parents had just moved into a small condo and had very little room, but I told her that they could stay with me. I had a nice three bedroom home on the outskirts of town, and I told her she was welcome. She was not sure how itvwould look to the nighbors and others, with her staying at my house, but I told her it was perfectly O.K. and to heck with what the neighbors thought.

She came on December 23, and Igot them settled in my place.On Christmas Eve, we all had dinner at a nice restaurant with my parents, and then we all went to Midnight Mass at our local church. After the service, Jennifer and the girls came back to my place. The girls, ages 7 and 9, were tired when we got home, and went right to bed.

Jennifer and I stayed up awhile, I put on some Christmas music on the stereo, and I made us each a vodka and tonic, as we sat in the living room just discussing old times, including Bill, and how nice it would be to have him with us.

After awhile, Jennifer said she was going to yurn in, and we said good-night. I decided to stay up awhile longer and watch a little TV. I had sat there about a half hour, when Jennifer came back in the living room, dressed in her flannel pajamas, and sat on the sofa with me. She said she couldn’t sleep, and wondered if I had another vodka and tonic. I made us each one, and we continued to sit on the couch and watch T.V. As she finished her drink, I could see she was getting a little weepy, and I asked her if something was wrong. She said, nothing, really, but she had gotten to think of Bill and Christmas and was a little depressed.

I don’t know what got over me, but having her say this, and seeing a few tears in her eyes, I just sort of got closer to her and actually putt my arm around her shoulder, and began to rub her arm and shoulder, and as Idid this, she snufggled closer to me. After a little while, my right hand dropped down to where her breasts were protruded slightly under the flannel pajamas, and instinctively, I began to massage the right breast and then the left. She didn’t stop me, but put her hand on mine and kept it there as I slowly massaged her and then beganfingering her nipples through the cloth. She began to sigh, out loud, and told me it felt so good.

I knew I probably was off base in doing this, but it did feel so good and in my mind’s eye, I was simply comforting a lonely woman. Her head fell onto my chest and she closed her eyes. I shut off the T.V. and just sat there as the fire crackled in the fireplace a few feet away.

After another half hour or so, she opened her eyes, and said, “Dave, I’ve got to get to bed,” and she gave me a kiss on the cheek, and said, “Thanks, for making me feel so good.”

She went off to bed, and after a few minutes, I did, too. I usually slep in the buff, so after I got to my bedtroom, I simply took off my clothes and quietly skipped into my bed.

It was not very long before I felt someone slip into my bed next to me. It was Jennifer. She said, “Dave, I’m sorry, but I’m so lonely tonight, and I hope you won’t mind if I sleep here with you tonight.” How could I object.

She snuggled close to me, in her flannel pajamas. They felt good against my bare skin. Her buttocks fit nicely against my groing and I cradled her in my arms. The next thing I knew, she was unbuttoning her pajama tops, so I could caress her breasts with my bare hands — which I did. They felt wonderful! Then, slowly, she lowered her jajama bottoms and slid them off and snuggled her buttucks tightly against my now firm and stiff penis.

It wasn;t long before my 8″‘ was between her legs, and the tip of my penis was at the entrance top her vagina — just touching it. I whispered in her ear — “Is this O.K. with you?” “Yes,” she said. And as I continued to enter her, everything felt so natural. She felt so warm and well-lubricated, and witheach thrust, she just kept whispering softly — “Tes, Dave, Yes — Yes, Yes, Yes.”

From all of those years of masturbating, it didn’t take me long — only four or five thrusts and soon I my love lotion was flowing freely into her, just like we’d been doing this for years. I was in heaven.My very first time inside a woman!

I assumed she was on the pill, because she and Bill had not had any other children after the twins were born, so I just kept on fucking her and kissing her shoulders and neck and filling her as rapidly as I could. She continued to say, “I love this, Dave, I love this.”

We fell asleep with me still inside her, and we didn’t wake up until early the next morning. When she woke, she smiled at me, and then snuggled close to me and began to kiss me frantically. We began to french kiss.And then she asked me to have sex once again, with her on top. My God, what a sensation that was.

And now it is nearly Christmas 2007.

I can tell you that about two months after than Christmas Eve and Christmas Day romp in my bed last year, Jennifer told me that she was pregnant. I could hardly believe it, but it was true. We had to do the right thing, and so, much to my parents’ surprise, we were married in a very private ceremony several weeks later.

And we are now the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy — our son — conceived on Christmas Eve last year. I’m still teaching school. Jennifer moved to our town, into my house, and has gotten a part-time job which she handles from home — on our computer.

And I am having the greatest sex any man could dream of!

My Sister-In-Law is now my wife and every chance I can get her in the sack I do. And if we don’t have time to get in the sack, we do it right where we are!

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