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MY skaTER!

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: MY cONDO
Langauge: EngLISH
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

okEYY so HAve KNOw erick for about 4 years we met at a parteey and well we clicked and erick was the skater hot guys and well i really though he was really cute i loved him alot..i had just taken a shower and i was laying in my bed with my towel when i heard the door i was really scared and it was erick i was like dont ever do that agian..he was like okeey sorry babee..i was uh that really scareedd mee ericck..he was like chillchill…i was okeey..and then he started saying oh..babee.i dont ever want anything to happen to u because i love u and i cant live without u..he sayd it so romantic and serouly i started cryingg .he sayd whats wrong babe..i sayd ..no nothing its just that u sayd that so romanitic..and im a sucker for romantiic guys he hugged me really hard..and my towel fell so i hugges him even harder..he startedd laughihng i wass like giveme my towell ericck..he backed up and ran with the towel all over my condo ahah the floor was wet for some readson and he slipped and then i slipped on top of him butt nacked i suddenly turnedd really red and i was like haha r u okey?he was like now i am..we looked into eachothers eyes and i told myself we were ment to bee..we kissed for about 5 minutess.then he got me and we went to my room and locked the door(okeey i am a virgin and 18 i was very nervouss)!!i sayd what’cha doing?he sayd yull see he took his shirt off and he had incredible abss i threw him on the bedd andlicked his abbs(i have never been liked this he tunred me onn!!babeey<3)okeey he stared kissing me and stuff and he was like babee gullpp are u ready ?i was like totally dude ahah we started laughing realy hard ahah so i took his pants off and he had a "hard on"i was like what am i sopposed to do ahah..he waas like u just relaax xbabe i was likee okeey..he staring eating me outt and it fell so GGOOODD 😀 ahah he was like how thatt feel i was awsome ahha then he got his bigg fat dick i call it "ms.fatty"ahah yess i named it thaha he put it in and man i started crying i scrached all his backk it was crazzy erotic seex he kept saying u kk babeey?
i was like yeaa owwww..it was like midnight and we still couldnt do it ..it hurtt he was like i give upp iw ass like nooO!!not yet babe he was like well i dont wanna hurt u..i then turned him on again and i got on top of him and shoved it andd and istarted bleeding i was like u washing the sheetss ahha…we finaly got "mr.fatty"in and it fell really good he rode me like he was riding he board ahha..it fell really good we finely went to sleep at 2am and we were exahusted and ..he was holding me tight and we went to sleep together/… the nexxt day we went to a resaturant and he asked me if i would marry him and of curzee i sayd YES. we got married september 4 @ a beatuful church in spain ahah so konw im married have 1 beautful girl named izabela and we love her to death we want a boyy really badly and we are planning on itt thanks!!♥

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