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My stepbrother who gave me a massege

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: In his bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well I was in my house and my mom remarried and her new husband had a son named Ashton. He was new in town so I was his only friend and we spent a lot of time together.we got to know each other even know he was a year older than me and very night he would come and lay with me for about two hours. Mostly we talked about before our parents got married.well than our parents made Ashton babysit me for three monthes. During that three monthes he gave me massages every time he asked if he could touch anywhere I said sure. So after awhile he gave me a massage and he started touching me everywhere . Then he said he never say a girls pussy and I said and I never say a guys cock. Then he said can I see tryout pussy and you can see my cock so I said sure yo because if I said no he would put me in time out for twelve minutes so we turned away from each hers and got undressed when we turned back around we looked at each others privets place and then laid down .he said do want a massage I said sure and I got on my stomac and he got on top of me and stuck his dick in me I said this isn’t a masseur. This is SEX he said no its a messege for inside you I said whatever than he told me to turn over I listened and did so than he said close your eye and oped your mouth I did so and he stuck his dick in my mouth then 3 minutes later we where aging sex to both of us it was amazing so we did it every night and by the time I was eightteen I was pregnant and I was having twin with my stepbrother good thing mom and dad went out four three years and I had my babies me and Ashton go married and moved in together and had sex ever since but even today I still feel guilty to have sex at the age f twelve. But it feels absoulutly great!!

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