Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
I think we were six or seven when this happened and we didn’t even know it was happening because we were young. So me and my friend Frankie were in my room just watching TV, playin around, relaxing, when he said let’s start doing dares. Long story short we kept going and got bored so he dared me to pull down my pants. Well me being young, I didn’t know any better so I did and then I dared him to take off all his clothes. He didn’t know any better too so he did it. It was awkward because we both stood their completely naked. I started to get an erection and we wondered what it was, he got one too and we started to poke around at each others dicks and it felt somewhat good, we kept going with the dares and they got pretty sexual, like he dared me to rub my dick for 5 seconds, Well it felt good and when he told me times up, I kept going for about a minute and it felt good. We kept doing dares like that when then he dared me to lick his dick. I stopped and said no because I thought it was gross. He said “what’s gross about it?” And then he came over and licked my dick. I loved it and he convinced me. From there we started giving each blowjobs and we didn’t even know we were doing it. Then we heard my mom come up the stairs and we quickly put everything back on and act like nothing happened. I’m straight and i have had sex before but I think about this an I still remember it