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My time has cum

Age when it happend: fourteen
Where it happened: her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So i kinda had the reputation around school to not be a virgin. I think it was because I dated older girls who kinda had been around. And it not like I’m gonna say anything to deny it. It was 14, I’d people think i have sex let them think that. So I end up dating this girl for a couple months, so one day i took her to breakfast before school for her birthdayand we went back to her house after. So as soon as we walk in we start making out. And she’s getting all into it. So was pretty sure that I was gonna loose that V card. So I throw her on the bed and she slowly takes off her shirt, then her pants. She was wearing this black skimpy thong and no bra. WOW WA WEE WA. So I throw off my pants and throw on a condom, which is hard as fuck, I broke two before she put it on for me. Then we got it going. Sex was all that I thought it would be, I mean its great and all but I remember thinking what it would be like and it wasn’t like that. So anyway she climaxes and starts screaming like a monkey and im seconds away from blasting and the door flys open. So she jumps off, im trippin’ out cuz i think its her parent and then a fucking pitbull jumps on top of me. Its got a foot on each side of my head and its teeth less than an inch away from my nose. I shitting my pants, my boner was sent into the floor. Then the little bastard sneezes all over my face. I clocked that dumbass so hard it fell off the bed an took off running. She tried getting me off after that but my head was still spinning after the whole dog incounter.

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