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My Twin Sister

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My parents were divorced and my dad didn’t find anyone until I was 19. Well my twin sister Alyssa took the divorce pretty hard so I comforted her and we were always close. Anyway our dad went out of town on buisness for about 5 days and left us alone. My room was in the basement and I had my stereo playing with head phones on and was jacking off naked on my bed. My sister came in but I didn’t hear her because of the music and I had my eyes closed. She came over and turned of my music I opened my eyes and freaked out. I coverd myself up with a pillow then she said “Come on let me see!” I was like hell no go away!! She didn’t so I took the pillow of my dick and told her if she was going to stay she had to help me so she leaned over and hugged me. I told her to get naked and she did then I told her to Jack me off and she did I was about to cum when I told her to put my dick in her mouth then I blew my load down her throat. She gagged but swallowed it. Next I told her to lay back on the bed, then I put my penis to the lips of her vag and moved it around. I looked in her pretty blue eyes and told her this will olny hurt for a second then feel good I gave her my underwear to bite down on then I slid my dick in soflty and popped her cherry. Tears were running down her face so I leaned forward and kisses her then started doing my at a slow then fast pace I was about to cum again when I pulled out and sprayed on her stomach. I got up and went over to my sock drawer and pulled out my cigarettes and a lighter and asked her if she wanted one and she said yea. So I went back over to the bed a laid down lit up the cigarettes and gave her one. We kissed and cuddled the rest of the night. We kept having sex and 6 years later we had a beautiful baby boy with no problem or anything.

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