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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Silent City
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

This was the first time I ever killed, and the last time. It wasn’t intentional, K swear! This was a long time ago, and I was in high school when this happened. First, lemme explain the traveling situation. My parents were divorced, at the time of this event, 9 years already being manipulated and hurt between both parents. My mother lived in NJ then, and I lived withy dad. The days I wants to visit my mother, I had to take trains and buses into NJ. One day, coming home minding my own business, it was late. I still remember it, for some reason I thought it was a locked memory. Guess not. Got off one train to transfer to another in order to get home, older man (I’d assume late 20s early 30s) started to follow me. The train left, and it’s just us both in an empty subway station. I walked faster, as did he. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was spun around. First thing I did was look at his hands, and there was a knife in his free hand. Training (yes martial arts) taught me not to panic but…I did. Second thing I did was unexpected. The second he moved his arm, I took his wrist, twisted it and pushed it back to him. I didn’t realize where it went, next thing I know he’s on the ground motionless. I just ran, and instead of taking the train back, I took a bus. No this isnt made up, this really happened. I have another first but you’d all think i was crazy.

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