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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: In my girlfriends bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well we two tried it for 3 days … but there was just petting. Cuddling – Loving – Licking – everything you can imagin but penetrating sex. It was fun but I had some mental blockade and couldn’t cum these days. I was ozzing tons of precum because my balls were filled to the limit :D.
That moment it happened it was really neat. We had candlelight – and it was all sweet. But candlelight isn’t really light (this is going to be important later!)
I was between her legs and started to slowly penetrate her … it was soooo hot. Slowly I moved in her and suddenly it hit me. Never really had such a wave of orgasm before. I slipped out of her and then it happened …
I spew my cum right over her. I was so much under pressure it hit the wall behind her head and her face. She was so surprised because she didn’t see it coming (it was only candlelight you remember?). She got some in her eye and that is burning – so the whole situation turned into a pretty unromantic situation … She was not mad at me but had to wash out her eye quickly. But all in all I can’t imagine a better first time. 🙂

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience