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Age when it happend: N/A
Where it happened: N/A
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I am a romantic. When I was 14 I decided that I would wait until I was married to have sex. this year it will be 10 years since i made that vow. I am a preachers kid, and I grew up in a Christian home. I believe that sex is for marriage not only to be obedient to God, but because to me sex is the most sacred and beautiful act between a man and a woman who God has designed for one another. It has not always been easy. My hormones have been a issue for me these last 3 or four years. But I am determined to wait.
And I get older my purpose for waiting gets richer with purpose.I want to tell the man from the boys. A real man will wait to be intimate with you. I want God to bless my life. I want all my children to have the same father etc. I believe that if I wait, God will bless me with a wonderful husband.
My ex boyfriend was a virgin, and he is five years older than me so yes, there are some male virgins out there over the age of 25! Meeting him confirmed my beliefs and made me feel so glad that I have waited.He was my first real love, and when you are in love, it is harder to abstain.But no matter how much I loved him, I would not give myself to him without being married to him. You know he asked! When you are in love you want to give yourself to that person. It was diffcult not to. But I was determined, and my ex respected me for it. And him being a virgin too I did not want to corrupt him or myself And now that I am single again, I am more determined to wait. I know now that a man will treasure me for being abstainant. And ladies men look at you and treat you totally different when you are inexperienced. I am sharing this story because this is that is in my heart…and I want to give a different take…
Oh one more thing, when my ex and I broke up it was the most painful time in my life, and looked back and I was glad that we did not have sex. It would have been harder to break up, and my heart hurt enough. when you sleep with someone you have a soul tie with them. So when you break up the tie is severed so it hurts. This is my story

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