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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I started dating him when I was 12. We were both outgoing and silly, and were viewed as a unit, rather than two separate people. We were kids, so we often broke up for a couple days, then got back together. It was summertime, and I was listening to the Cranberries cd To the Faithful Departed nonstop all day.He came to visit one afternoon while my parents were at work. Our relationship wasnt very physical, every time we fooled around it was always weird and awkward. I didnt care to fool around, but he was a football player, and a teenage boy, so I guess thats what he liked to do. I for the most part avoided it but this particular day he wanted to finally have sex after three years. So with yellow skies playing, and him wearing two condoms, and only allowing him two thrusts, I lost my virginity. I wasn’t impressed, and decided never to do it again. I broke up with him the day I got my license.

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