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Naive Rach

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: Cheesiest Hotel near the Grand Canyon
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok so lets say we had never really met…the thing was that after 5 years of talking online we decided to go for it, meet and move in, ya know typical lesbian crap. i had driven to new mexico to her aunts house to drive to California where I lived and once there, the sexual tension of 5 years time unfolded. her aunt was gracious, confused but really nice. she had a kegorator in her spare room where Rach and I would end up for the night. I said no to the beer, and yes to the girl. We had made out for a bit, i was a bit weirded out by her aunt and uncle being in the house so the sexxin had to wait for a bit.
See…i was 23, and a virgin. i had never anticipated to being this old and still a virgin. through high school i figured out i was gay, so that meant pretty much no sex in the town i was in. once that was over, all the ‘lookie me im so gay’ girls were just tooo gay for me to ever get past making out with, much less sleep with…but Rach…yeah…she was it…
we got about 10 hours into our drive to California, we stopped somewhere near the Grand Canyon and stayed at the cheesiest hotel we could find, it was spanish architecture with crap neon lighting (pink, green, yellow)under the awnings, it was horrible. as we settled into our room and had pizza, the making out ensued. she sat on me while i lay in the bed, knowing that we were about to have sex. we made out so hardcore though, her nose ring popped out, and i felt a warm wet feeling on my face which prompted me to stop and ask what it was, she jumped out of bed to wipe her nose and find her ring. i on the other hand laughed so hard i couldnt believe what was happening. i cleaned my face off, and consoled her while sittig on the bed. from there, we laughed a bit, kissed some more, (much lighter this time around), and i undressed her as i kissed her on her luscious lips. From there I began kissing her beautiful breasts,which had just the mostly perfectly sized nipples! i kissed and bit them lightly and then…i slid my hand into her pussy, fingering her just a bit, then once she began moaning i slid down to face her wet vagina and realized i was finally eating a girl out, FINALLY!! i never knew what it meant to be face fucked before, but my god, her hands shoving me into her pussy and keeping me there got me so light headed i had my first orgasm right then and there. after an hour of fucking her and leaving her with a few hickies near her pussy, i lied down only to have her attack my neck and breasts and suck and lick me off. after god knows how many hours of sex, we showered and went to bed. to this day, i will never forget her or the amazing sex i had with that girl for the 2 years we were together.

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