My first time was very awkward and I didn’t realize at the time what a risk I was taking. I had dated Chuck several times but we were not considered to be going steady. The last couple of times we had been out we had made out to the point that I had let him play with me but we stopped at that. We had been to a movie and afterward we went and parked. When Chuck started playing with me that night I got extremely excited to the point that I was humping his fingers. I guess he realized that I was very horny and he got himself out. I ask him if he had a condom and he told me he didn’t but that he wanted me. I was so worked up that I was upset with him for not having a condom after getting me to that point. When he put his penis against me I reacted by pushing against it and in he went. I remember asking him if he was going to come and when he didn’t answer my hormones kicked in and we went at it until I could feel him comming. I realize now that I was very fertile at the time and very lucky not to get pregnant.