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Age when it happend: 24
Where it happened: His Parents Place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Well I was dating my boss at the time and I was working for his company that was huge and him and his family owned. We started dating by my third week of work because I was new there. The only reason I thought he liked me was because he kept say I never been with a nantive american befor. We just bought this huge house and we were living together.Then he go us in these classes because I told him I was a virgin and he wanted me to break it we tried but I always stop. So we were doing the class and they wanted us to these sex poses and we have to be in our underware sometimes and I can feel him getting hard and I’ll ask are you okay and he’ll say yeah and we had to talk to the therapist. He asked how is it going on and He tried to say something and I cuted him off saying we’re not doing nothing, I;m not ready yet and he keeps asking about a baby. He said some stuff and we left. When we got home I tried to get in the mood and we got upstairs and we took our clothes off and he tried to enter me and I said stop, I can’t do this and that’s when the phone ranged and it was his parents saying they want us to come over for dinner. I looked over at him and he was mad.

Wheb we got over to his parents house his two brother was there with their wive. One was Brazilian and ones dominican. One of them just had a baby and the women was cooking and we were talking about the company new plans. His mom said it’s so nice to have you all here and we said thank you. She offered us all three a drink and we said no. I asked if I could hold the baby and she said yeah and we talked about stuff. Then the men came in and we all stoped talking and looked.His dad asked what’s going on and his mom said we were just talking. Then they tried to take some beers from the frig and his mom said no we’re goin to eat dinner no beer and the baby started crying I rocked it to sleep. We put the dinner on the table and we eated. His mom asked how are your sex lives and all the women panicked and she said I’m sorry I just thought I was the only one and his dad asked and they said great and I looked at him and I aksed why are you telling a lie. He looked at me and said no I’m not I said you know we haven’t done anything yet. Then everybody justed looked at us and we stoped eating and his mo said well me and your dad srill do have sex and I looked away like the other girls did. He dad smiled and said yep and we got the plates and went toward the kitchen to wash dishes. One of them said it okay I know where you comming from and I said thank you we sat down and let the baby crawl on the floor. I fell asleep and the othter was goin to leave and we said good bye and I huhed them and I said to the babay I’ll se you later cut thing.

His mom wanted to give me something and I went to her room and she opened up this closet full of sex toys. She hand this one thing to me it had a cord to it. She said you don’t have to worry I didn’t used that one. I said ok and we talked and his dad came in and asked do you show her the stuff and she said yeah and they hugged and kissed me good and I asked can we spend the night and they said sure. So I wetn downstairs where he was watching the movis and I sat far from beside him still kind of mad. He said come here and I said no and he came to me and said bab I’m sorry. I said okay and we went upstairs and we heard somwthing bangong aginst the walls and I said that’e your parents and he said yeah. I got in my underware and I fliped theough the channles. He got in he asked what about the baby. I rolled my eyes and said I’m not talking and he asked why not and I said I’m not ready. he said you know to take care of one, then you’re ready. We haven’t even done anything yet. I said I’m still a virgin and I scared and all you keep thinking about is having sex. He then grabed me and got on top of me and I said get off of me and he started tsking off our clothes.

I begged him to stop but he didn’t instead he shoved himself inside me and started going hard and fast. I teid pushing him off but it didn’t worked. He trid to lean in to kiss me I slaped him saying get off of me and he started choking me and tears started to falll and I remeber closing my eyes. Next I woke up seeing him pulling me and he started eating me out wich felt pretty good. I started to moan and starteing to arch my back and he’ll push me down and put his hands over my stomach and eat harder. He had his arms wraped around each of my leg. It felt pretty good and he stop and climbed on top of me and asked was that good I didn’t say anything. He enterd me he went fast I teid telling him stop it I starting to hurt really bad but he grabed me by my hips and starts pounding me I screamed for him to stop. He kept shaking the bed and hitting it aginst the wall. then we heard a knock at the door and it was hiss dad I ran to the bathroom with the sheet. After he was done talking I was sitting in the counter crying and he came in asked knocking stuff down. I then treid to run but he grabed me put me on the couter and he opend my legs went hard I cried for him to stop then he came in me and he said oh my god and camed in me. He stopd and asked are you having the baby I was stillcrying and he yelled are you still having it. He said okay and carried me to bed and I tried to go to bed but he said no I’m not threw yet and I screamed and e did it about 7 time. I swear the wort thing in my life.

I woke up the next morning feeling sore. I sat up in bed and I heard the shower running I had the worst headache ever. He came out with a tow;e wraped around him. He came towards me and flew the covers off of me and I tried to scoot back but he said come here I started to cryand he said you better stop crying and he eated me out agin and it felt amazing agin and he said you like that don’t you he went inside me I told him to stop but he didn’t and he came. He got dressed and went downstairs. I got in the shower and got dressed and I went downstairs helped cook breakfest. I went in to the kitchen and helped cooked. I asked can we cook gritz she said yeah I haven’t had gritz in a long time. He came in the kitchen and said to me I need to talk to you and I said I’m cooking rght now and he said come here it about the company. I wanted to know so I went and he took me where the office was closed the door. He put me on the counter and I asked what the plans and he said there’s no paln and he started kissing myneck and saying you better not scream or be crying. He pulled down his pants and pulled mines off. He took hard thrust and I had tears running down my face and I had my arms wraped around himand clawing his back the I felt this sharp pain and I told him to stop but he didn’t then I felt it that bad and I screamed he stoped and I behed for him to get off of me and he asked what’s wrong. I cried saying I’m pregnent. He got happy and said that’s great. He went down agin and started eating me out It felt good. He then stoped and he puted my jeans on. We eated breakfeast. After we were done I went upstairs and layed down I started crying. He came in and saw me crying.

He asked what was wrong and I said it hurts and he asked what hurts and I said every where. I sat up and I started fighting him saying you did this to me, it your fault you rapist. Then I stoped and I felt the pain agin. He looked at me and said I’m soory and I said no you’re not. I got up and walked toward his parents room and he said come here you can’t be doing all of thid you’re pregnent I slpapped and his momasked what was going on I said your son raped me last night and now I’m pregnent. She looked surprise. She said come here and I went to her room and layed on the bed she kept saying she was sorry. Then I went to sleep and I woke up with him sitting on the bed. He said his parents left and he talked. We made s few deals and I said okay and he kissed me and asked you want it agin I said no and we went hom and fell asleep.

Later I found out I was having twins and we married now.

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