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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: A Best Western Motel in Arlington Hgts,, IL
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first serious girlfriend had become my first wife.

Although we had done a lot of things involving hands, we had decided to (groan) wait to have intercourse. It also helped that we didn’t have much privacy at any time.

On our wedding day, we were both really sick with strep throat. It was terrible, but too late to cancel. To compound this, the wedding was enormous, and her little sister was also very sick, and was supposed to be a bridesmaid.

We made it thru the day, but by the time we got to the motel for our so-called wedding night we were both exhausted and really sick. After a half-hearted attempt or two, we decided to postpone the monumental event.

I didn’t sleep well, and every time she twitched (we had also never slept together)I thought she was awake, and I wanted to try again…alas, it was not to be. Or not to be.

The next morning we did feel better, and were able to, ahem, consummate, with her on top. Its odd that I remember the incident, but not the physical feeling.

Our sexual relationship during the course of our marriage was pretty pathetic—I wanted to make love as much as possible, and for her, alternate Tuesday’s and Veteran’s Day would suffice.

We separated about 6 years later, and the first night we were apart, I responded to a woman I worked with who had shown some interest in me. We had an intense, highly sexual (we were both GGG, while my wife was not at all), relationship over the course of the next few months, but she ended it all too soon.

A short time later, my wife and I decided to try again, but this lasted only a couple of weeks. Oddly, I do remember the last time we made love—she was on top, and I really don’t recall the physical feeling…

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience