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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: on a dock
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was on a date with a girl I finally grew the balls to ask out. We had known each other for about 5 years but I went through an awkward adolescence and did not get much attention from girls until I hit my growth spurt around 16. After that spurt I have to say I did pretty well with the girls. Anyways, we were driving around after dinner and decided to get out and walk. It was around 11:00 pm and we sat on a dock right in the middle of a major tourist town in new england. We started talking about where we were going to college and what we should do to make that summer memorable. So we started making out and before I knew it my dong was like a big piece of driftwood! She wanted to leave so we could go somewhere more private. I however was not about to stand up and reveal my inexperience. After a couple minutes of questioning she caught on to why I wasn’t standing up. As embarrassed as I was that thing was not going down, I was just lucky I didn’t lose it in my pants. A few minutes went by and I still wouldn’t get up so she says “if you’re not coming with me then we are just going to have to do it here”. I was stunned and thought she was bluffing until she took off her tank top (no bra underneath). I now lost it in my pants. She starts laughing and takes her skirt off, and pulls my pants down. She saw the mess down there and asked if I could do that again or if we were going to have to wait. I could barely talk. She sits on top of me and starts riding. About 4 minutes go by and I tell her I’m about to lose it, so she gets off and finishes me off with her mouth. After I was done it looked like someone dumped a bowl of chowder on her face! We then left and continued the relationship on and off for 2 years. I cannot be completely certain that anybody saw this or not but I still drive by the dock it happened on and find it hard to believe this was not witnessed by at least a few people.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience