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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: My bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 17 and he was 20. We had been dating for almost 2 months! The first time I thought it would happen is when we went out of town and got a hotel I was so sure it would happen but he kept telling me he loves me and that he would wait till my 18th birthday since I wanted my first time to be on my birthday. So we just ended up having fun! I thought he was so caring and thoughtful that he would wait till the day I planned it! But that made me feel so happy that I didn’t want to wait. A few weeks later no one was home and he came over we started to make out and he put me in the mood and asked if its okay! I trusted him so much I said yes it was 2 days before our 2 months and 1 month before my birthday! He inserted we had sex For 3 mins and cleaned up. He left after 20 mins. He apparently had work… I barely saw him after. A week later he came over and we had sex again and he left right away! After that we barely saw each other. Probably 10 mins everyday and on his day off we didn’t see each other at all. He kept complain how we never did anything. One day I gave him a blow job when he came to see me for 10 mins. Why not he deserved it he worked really hard. But a week later he said he didn’t have it for a long time. It felt like he would rather have a blow job than be with me. That night we broke up. He hasn’t tried to contact me every since. I regret having sex with him! I regret trusting him! An advice to everyone reading this. Please be sure who it is make sure he loves you when you say no to him. Then when it’s the right time enjoy it cuz you’re going to remember it forever. Don’t let them emotionally force you! You’re better than that you’re strong! Stay strong say no till you’re 100% ready!

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