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nice and slow

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: her house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well i was dateing this girl 4 like 4 months and well she would grab my nuts every time i saw her . And she asksed me one day if i ever hade sex. I was like no how about you she said no i asked if she wanted to have sex and then she started to take off my shorts and we started to kiss and the next thang i know she stoped and said wait we sould were a condom. I put on a condom and started again i put it in her pussy and she said(ooooohh)i asked if it hurt she said a little and i slowed down and she was like that is better.Well about 3 hours later we stoped and she started to give me a blow job well after that we had to take a shower before her mom and dad came home well we just got out of the shower and her mom called and said that thay will be home in 5 min so we kissed and then i left.

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