Where it happened: Germany
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
I was only seventeer years old when I joined the army, from a small town in Iowa and had never even had a real ate with a girl. There weren’t many girls around my small town and none near my age.
Basic training was a time of intense growing up and a time that I’d not care to repeat but after twelve weeks of the crap I went on to advanced infantry training and from there to still more training. There was little time in th schedule for girls and my social skills precludedany any real chance for meeting them.
Then, it was off to Iraq and war and the wonder and the horror of the battles. It was on June 7th that I was git by an improvided explosive device and wounded. A few more days of horror followed and an air ambulance flight to Germany where I was finally assigned to a nice room with a view orf the surrouinding countryside.
In two weeks, the wounds had healed sufficiently that I was able to leave the hospital for short periods and see the surounding countryside. It was then that I decided to go into the surrounding wine country and see some of Europe and it was at a winery that I met Ingred.
Ingred was a hostress at the wine tasting cellar and I was immediately taken by her. When the tour moved on, I lagged behind and made talk with her. She was easy to talk to and soon inquired about me and my wounds and I raised my trouser leg to show her the still redd scar.
She recoiled in horror at first; then, became very warm and friendly. After her last tour, she said simply, “Let me take you to a place I know.” and after a half hour bus ride we had arrived in a neighboring village. Sheled me to a special Gasthaus where there were rooms and after some discussion, we were given a room. Dinner was served on the first floor after which we purchased a bottle of wine.
In the room, we wasted no time as we kissed and caressed and fondled. We were like two animals in heat as I acted on instinct alone. As we undressed, Ingred examined each one of my wounds and seemed mesmerized by them. As she examined, her eyes glazed over with lust and suddenly she cried, Put it in me.”
I did as she asked and, again by instinct, was soon giving satisfaction. Of course, being my first time, it was rather awkward.
By the next morning, the wine bottle was empty and we had honed my skills twice more.