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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: school
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so i was at school one day, i bearly had been their a day an a lot of girls liked me. but their was this on girl i really liked and she liked me to. her name was rikki she was one of the hottest girls i ever seen and she was 14.so i started talking to her at lunch and in between classes. and on the fith day we diched school. we went to the semetery. the semetery was big an about 2 blocks from the school. so anyways we were talking and we starrted to make out not long after that she started to take off her shirt so I took mine off to, oh and i forgot I was like 5(8″)and had some pretty good sized muscles and a 8 pack thats right an 8 pack not a 6 pack an 8 pack. as soon as she seen my body she said damm so did i cuz she had big tits and a nice ass. then we started to make out agian, eventualy she started to take off my pants and so i was in my boxers. but she still had her skirt on so i pulled it down to her ankels and she took out a condom, so i stayed in my boxers and she stayed in her thong. i was as hard as a rock and so she started giving me a blow job then i started to finger her, after about 5 minutes of that i put the condom on and she got on top of me and started riding me. she ended up being able to SQUIRT and it gat all over me. about 10 secons later I ejaculated. belevit or not we got caught by the police right wen we were putting on our shirts. but she was still in her braw and we had to blunts. so we were in for it they put us in the bach of the cop car and we said I LOVE YOU to eachother i was in juvenile hall for 2 months she got out in 1. when i got out i called her up and said meet at the store. as soon as she seen me she jumped on me and started to kiss me. we didnt have good relationships with our parents,so we talked and we decided to run away we each tok about $300.00 from are parents. after that we got on a grey hound bus left to…. i can tell you where im a but it by th ocean and welive with freinds and work day shifts mcdonalds. thanks for reading, and dont make the mistake i made. from: NICK

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