Losing my virginity was the best thing that could have possibly happend to me. I had been trying to lose it for so long and I was always scared of the pain, I guess I was just listening to other people too much. Well I lost my virginity about a week ago at this guy’s house I’ve known him for abouts and we were always sexually attracted to each other, from the day I met him I knew he would be the one. We were at his house one night and we started to make out in the bed and it was really hot and heavy, and very romantic too he had candles and everything. So now were completely naked and I’m so nervous and at the same time very excited, I told him to tie me up and he got a long sleeve shirt and did as I told him, then he got on top of me and he put my arms around his neck while I was tied up and he just pushed it in and I was so surprised that it didn’t even hurt it actually felt very good and I wanted him to go faster. I didn’t even bleed. So it was surely probably one of the best moments of my life, and I’m very upset that I missed out on it for so long with tons of amazing guys that tried so hard to fuck me but never could until now. Anybody who’s reading this and trying to decide if they want to lose their virginity only do it if your ready, I’ve been ready forever I guess I just needed that right guy to take total control and do what was needed to be done and I’m so happy for that, I also probably know for a fact that I could not have lost my virginity any other way than to be tied up because I would always tense up my muscles when guys tried to have sex with me and I would always have my hands in the way so for me this was the best way and maybe it could be for you too. Just make sure you know in your heart your ready and everything else will just come naturally.