me and my older cousin decided that we wanted to rent a hotel room one night cause my dad was out of town and i told my mom i was sleepin at my best friends house so i went to her house and my cousin picked me and my best friend up and we picked up a few other people who were goin one of them was this boy steve that i had been talkin to for about a year we were on and off i had talked to him about this night and we sort of planned to have sex it was my first time but not his obviously we got to the hotel smoked a few blunts drank a lil bit and everybody else fell asleep except me and steve we were sittin there smokin a blunt and i was on his lap my friend fell asleep on my bed so i made her get up and i went and layed down and steve came and layed down next to me he started kissin me and that led to him fingerin me my pants were already off cause like i said i knew this was gonna happen then all of a sudden he was on top of me and i felt him push inside me it hurt a lil bit but not too much it was okay for awhile then i went on the top and that was alot better for me i cant give too many details cause i was high and i didnt feel too much it felt good for awhile then at the end i realized how bad he was sweatin i started laughin cause my hands were slippin off his arms he laughed too and then kissed me then he started pushin in harder and it started to hurt pretty bad but we kept goin i didnt wanna be a lil bitch about it then he busted inside me i knew cause i felt it when he was done i rolled off him and he kissed me for what seemed like forever he smiled and asked me if i was goin to sleep i told him i was cause i was so tired i rolled over and went right to sleep in the morning he woke up smiled at me and kissed me it was great except for how soar i was when i got home i had to go to dance class for three hours — i came home early from dance and slept i couldnt stand it even though i had to wait for my period to come and i panicked cause i was late and i was soar for days and me and him arent speakin right now i dont care i wouldnt trade that night for anything ill always remember my first