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Nicole R – you CUNT!

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Back of my car in Napa California
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 18 and she was 15, and being the lil perv I was she . I had played grab-ass a few times and I had put my hand down her jeans more than once, and felt her big tits up more than a couple of times. But I noticed every time I grabbed her twatt how BAD and FISHY she smelled. To this day I have NEVER smelled anything so AWFUL in my life. I guess that’s what I get for my first lay being with someone so young.

Anyway, her name was Nicole R. And if anyone back in my hometown reads this, tell her I said hi… 🙂 As uninterested in feminine hygene as Nicole was, that’s how interested (addicted?) she was to horseback riding.

Now, for those of you who don’t know, horseback riding can be awfully punishing to a woman’s vaginal area, in spite of what some of them might tell you. And of the women I’ve bedded who were horseback riders I can safely say that ALL of them were at least a little ‘looser’ than their non-horseback riding girlfriends.

But I digress (and you’ll see where this goes shortly), I manage to convince my young friend to disrobe in the back of my car and this time to even take of her jeans. Good lord, the smell that eminated from her crotch was gut wrenching. I thought I had smelled bad things when I got rid of day old chum at the fish market, but his was far worse. Of course, being the naive 18-year-old I was, who was to know that wasn’t perfectly normal! So I quickly re-aquainted myself with the art of breathing through my MOUTH and moved on.

Now, remember what I said about horseback riding? Well, Nicole was not only loose, she was HUGE!! I mean, I’m no Big John Holmes, but even HE couldn’t have even felt the walls of this hugeness. I started to wonder to myself quietly “Is THIS what they mean by needing to ‘strap a board to my ass'” and “Did she let the HORSES fuck her or what?!?!”

Well, this whole ordeal probably took all of 15 minutes and then I took her home. About two weeks later I
saw her again, we went out and, being the glutten for punishment that I was, I fucked her AGAIN… And ya know when you try something, and you think ‘wow that’s bad’ and you try it again because you think maybe it’s an aquired taste, kinda like caviar or escargot? Not the case here, gang. She was just and STINKY AND LOOSE as the last time. I swear I almost thought about turning gay that night.

If the story ended there it wouldn’t be so bad, just chalk one up to experience, but this chick, after fucking me TWICE (if you want to call it that), decided to tell all my friends that I RAPED her and FORCED her to fuck me. Fortunately a couple of my girlfriends stepped in and put a stop to her saying that. I guess she was pissed cuz I wouldn’t dive into that stankhole again for a third time. Something tells me third time would NOT have been a charm…

Thank God I had other really good expereiences (especially with older women) since then or I might have just
gone and turned gay..!

Thanks for reading.. just remember, in THIS game of fishing you wanna toss the big, stank, smelly ones BACK!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience