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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: army in germany
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I joined the Army right after high school, and after basic
training was stationed in Germany. the first week there
we were granted leave to visit the town one evening. I was
going to join my friends in a particulat bar but a older women standing near the bar beckened me over and asked if
i was a “cherry”… i blushed and said ” afraid so”… so
she said this one was on her as a “welcome to adulthood”
We took a taxie way out of town to a farm and she took me around the back of the house where a ol car seat was laying
in the flower bed..i just stood there like a tree as she
undressed me very slowly… removing my army jacket,my tie,
my shirt..kissing my very hard nipples ( i didn’t know
guys nipples even were so sentative)… she then opened my fly and reached in… how cold her hands were..lol as she
very gently drew my penus out into the open….she then lay back,,removed her blouse and slid her panties off and
showed me how to lay on her… i will always remember that
first instant my penus entered such a warm,wet cave…and i
buried my face between her breasts… she grabbed my tiny ass ( yes that was years ago…lol) and directed the rythum
in and out, in and out…OH so slippery and squishy sounds
and then i cum,the first time in a pussy ,and continued to
rock in and out…the tempo quickened and she wrapped her legs around my waist and started to squeeze me ever so
forcefully, moaning and panting like i never heard before.
to my susprise my penus didnt soften,but even got harder
and i began a sawing action with it against the upper
part of her pussy..this caused her to respond even greater
and she bit my chest,,not hard but ever so forcefully…and
i cum again…she squrmed and tightened her pussy around my shaft and it started to perform a sort of milking action,
I remember looking up at the stars,,so many of them witness
ing this my very first peice of ass….i closed my eyes
and experenced flashes of light and utter delight… i
cum again… three times in one fuck… it was so
beautiful…i lay on her kissing her breasts…and she
gently rolled me over on the grass…still inside her, and
she started a easy, gentle rocking as i lay there utterly
spent and flushed out…. that after-play was so sweet,
i softened..and her pussy sort of fondled me…this continued for some time… and i may have even dozed off a
little as it was so relaxing….but then i started to get hard again..and she responded by sitting up and riding me
like a horse… my balls were starting to hurt and she
stopped and slid off, wiping my penus and legs with her
hair and finally kissing each ball and the head of my penus.
I then helped her dress and she took great care putting
on my underware and “tucking ” me in…
She then lead me back to the road where the taxie had been
waiting all this time… was it a hour??? was it two hours??? i have no time concept of that first time…
we kissed good bye and the driver drove me away…
I never saw her again, never even knew her name, never
spoke a word as i didn’t know German, and she very little English. but what a introduction to life she gave me…
and i think to this day it was still the best fuck i have ever had…….i was 19 or so and she was perhaps 40
tales from a ol guy….

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience