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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: California
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

This is so weird. I’ve read these before but never thought I would write one. But two nights ago my dreams came true and I have to tell someone. Anyone.
My family and I were out at our beach house having a BBQ. We had a couple of other families over and there were about 30 people in all. Some of my parent’s friends have three teenage boys that are all California blonde and cute as hell, but the oldest one is kinda stuck up.
Around midnight, enough booze had been consumed to make it manditory that guests spend the night. Couches, spare rooms, guest cots and even rugs. My uncle Griffen was so drunk he fell asleep sitting at the bar. Most of the teens were still out around the glowing embers of the open pit BBQ and we started passing a beer around and telling stories. Around 3AM it became a serious match of Truth or Dare. One of the brothers, Darby, was really cute. He is 14 and this was his first time doing anything like this. He kept looking at me in my bikini and I noticed that his trunks were growing. One of the older brothers dared him to stand up and kiss me ‘passionately’ but he was embarrassed because of his hard on. But rules are rules and they forced him to get up and do it. He is really cute, so I didn’t mind… We started to kiss and we both really got into it and kept kissing. Everyone started cheering, but soon just watched. The other brothers must have snuck up behind us, because all of a sudden, they yanked both of our bathing shorts down to our ankles at once. I felt his penis touch me just before he backed off and bent over to pull up his shorts. We were embarrassed, but we recovered our bathing bottoms and got back in the circle. Since we had done the dare, it was my turn. So I dared the two brothers to kiss each other without anything on. After refusing and then getting threatened by the others in the group who thought it was great justice, they agreed. It wasn’t very passionate, but it was great revenge. The oldest brother even got partly hard while they kissed!
Well, this went on for a while and then we played a serious game of spin the bottle and then decided to go skinny dipping in the surf. It was so cool, 6 or 7 of us all skinny dipping together, playing tag and having a blast. After a while, Darby came up on the beach and sat with me as the sky began to get light. I shared my towel and we watched the others play around. We talked about everything and laughed at each other’s jokes and I made fun of his shriveled little thing and he poked at my shriveled nipples. It was still pretty dark and I asked him if he wanted to kiss again while not everyone was watching. So we started to walk down the beach near some rocks and then he turned towards me and just started kissing me. It felt so good to have his body against mine. I loved putting my arms around him. We just held each other like that for a few minutes and then almost by instinct began to go further. We spread the towel out on the sand and lay down and started kissing and exploring each other. I had never done this, but it felt so natural. He was moaning as we kissed and I decided to make him my first and be his first.
We ran down to the water to get the sand off and then just stood facing each other as I guided him into me right there on the beach. We both clung to each other and moved together, it was so passionate. Even when some of the others came out of the water and stood there watching, it was like we were on another planet. His penis slid into me and back out and seemed to reach just to the very back of my vagina as his warm balls gently flopped against me. Our motions got faster and then slower and then we both began groaning. The pain I felt at first was nothing compared to the feeling of joining with this young handsome knight. He whispered ‘I love you’, and I was almost glad that there were three or four others standing there to wittness this moment. He almost cried out loud as he came and he couldn’t stop, which I was really glad because I was almost finished. My whole body shuddered as I felt his hips press against mine and his warmth spread into me, I couldn’t help it, I started crying too and pressed against him really hard as I came. It was like coming out of a trance as we kissed deeply and then pulled apart. There was no shame even though the brothers were making comments. By 6am we were really tired. We went for one last swim and then found a place to crash. Everyone is coming back again this next weekend and I can’t wait.

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