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Nikki and Jay’s 1st time

Where it happened: my room
Langauge: English
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

Me and Jay have been going together for almost 2 months. We met through a mutual friend and have been inseperable ever since. Though I was a virgin and neither was he, I was a virgin in the relationship and chose to wait until sex between us would mean something.
That day came on Feburary 12,2001, two days short of Valentines day and of our 2 month anniversary.We had intially planned to do it that day. My parents were out of town and my sister had allowed him to come over. But she eventually left for work. We were well behaved at first but then he started licking and sucking on my neck. It was then that my will power to not have sex began to dwindle and eventually become nonexistent. He swiftly unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down along with my panties. He began to finger me and trace my inner thigh with his tongue.He then kissed me for what seemed like an eternity.We were doing our usual session of kissing and touching and fingering but it wasn’t enough, it didn’t satisfy our desires. He asked me if I wanted to and I said yes. So we went upstairs to my bedroom.
I grabbed the condom off my shelf and layed on the bed. He kissed me so gently and the removed my pants again. He put on the condom and got on his knees and began to eat me out.
It felt good but I yearned to have him inside of me. I couldn’t wait any longer. Finally he mounted me and we began to have sex. Every time that it began to feel good he would slide out so I got on top of him and rode him. It felt soo good. But he still kept sliding out and my head board kept slamming up against the wall. The bed was bouncing and squeaking. He was about to get back on top of me but he was no longer hard. I was dissapointed because i wanted more. I took the condom of to suck his dick so that he could get hard again but he said he had to go home and return his mothers car. So we dressed. I could barely walk. I was soo sore! My thighs were killing me. He left and it was perfect timing, my brother came home ten minutes after he left givng me time to strip the bed and burn some incense. It defintly wasn’t the first time that i had fantasized about but it was good and it meant something because i do care a lot about him.
I love u Jay!
Ms. Nicole B.

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