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Nikki D

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Nikki's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well, I got home from school and then she said she needed my help in science because she didn’t get the difference between isotopes and ions; little did i know id see her ions. We got through the chapter and i got a glance at her test grades, they were all A+…then i got a glance at her cleavage, they were Ds. After studying for a whole 5 minutes i was getting ready to leave, she quickly grabbed my cell phone and she wasn’t giving it to me. Becoming frustrated I tackled her and pinned her down to get my phone, and before i knew it we passionatly hooking up and becoming familiar with eachothers’ bodies. Getting caught up in the moment, we had sex (protected of course)and she was in so much pain, and saying the safe word (isotope), i couldent stop because it was amazing. I was about to bust but then we heard the door unlock so we had to hurry up and the fear of getting caught made it that much better. We both orgasamed and then I quickly got dressed and escaped through the window.

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