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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: The beach
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My dad owns a Greek restaurant in a popular New England resort town. Every summer, he hires locals to be waiters and waitresses for their summer jobs. That summer, he hired one boy, Zach, who was a year older than me. Zach was cute, slightly taller than me with brown hair and brown eyes, funny, and smart (he was going to college already in the fall). We met on the second day of summer and immediately clicked. We would sit outside during his breaks and talk about almost everything. As the summer progressed, the weather became hotter. One night, after Zach’s shift was over, we ran to the ocean, sheding off all our clothes in the process. It was dark, so neither of us cared. We went skinny dipping almost every night after that. Our relationship was progressing fast. We quickly became romantically involved. One night, after we went skinny dipping, we were lying on the beach next to each other naked looking up at the stars. The restaurant lights glowed in the background, but we were all alone. “I love you.” Zach said. I had already told Zach I loved him twice before, but he had never said it to me. I figured he’d say it when he was ready. Just then, I knew. I roled over and kissed him. We had sex that night. It was a little awkward since it was the first time for both of us, but afterwards, just lying there with him, everything felt right.

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