Where it happened: in main house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Y first time was when – was working at my job as a maid. (Here was nobody home except me and the owner of the house. He was probabaly around 50 and had no children. I entered his room to clean it and he was in bed moaning .- knocked and he said come in.when he saw mw (I’m around 5’7 and you could say very nice looking have 36 c breasts and a fairly big bottom.I was wearing the uniform that they give us which is a white tank top and white skirt.-t was a little small for me but never worried about it becuase nobody ever saw me in it.- was wearing a plain white bra and a pplain white thong with lace trimmings.M:esaidcomeherelittlemaidandrubmyback.(Henhesaidoharentyouwarm?takeoffyourclothesipromiseiwontlook!Beinganobedientmaidididashesaid.WhenIgotinthebedhewascompleatlynakedandhadahugeboner.Ibeganrubbimghisbackbuthekeptsayinggolowergolowersoidid.Atthispointiwasenjoyingmyselfandhewasbeginningtofeelmybreaststhathehadtakenoutofmybra.Soonwewerefulloutfucking!Hepulledmeoverhisheadandatemeout.Thenwefuckeddoggystyle!Noweverydayigoovertherealonewedoi!Hehasgrownquitefondofmeandgivesmeextratips!