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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Friend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My name is Nina and i had the best first experience ever and feel that i should share it with the world. Most people may judge me, but thats just me. Anywae, me and my friend got really drunk at her house, it was my first time going out and having a drink with mates. The place was lame at first but then we had shots and really strong spirits. i got so drunk that i hooked up with this guy. At first when he got to the place i just looked at him and went “NAHH” but then i kept drinking and drinking and one thing led to another and i was kissing him. We kissed for about 10 minutes “its eww but it was nyc” then we went to the bedroom and although i was drunk i could hear him asking “are you okay with this” well i kept saying “yeah” cos i was drunk and he was a bit tipsy aswell. Since i was so tyt he couldnt get in but he tried and although it was painfull well not that painfull but it hurt a lil bit i will never regret that day cos he was so slow and kept checking on me. I just met him and slept with him, you must think im a slut but mistakes happen, although i dont and will never regret this mistake cos it was the best ever. We still talk but not that much and i aint even thinkin about getting into a relationship with him but i will always adore him for not taking full advantage of me 🙂

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience