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No love for you

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Her bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I had “sex” with my first girlfriend at 18 years old.
She had been with 11 guys or so, and I was a little scared.
She was a large breasted woman, who teased my uncooperating
penis by rubbing it between them. My dong refused to become
errect. I didnt love her, and I didnt trust her. She went
again and again trying to arrouse me, but i just lay there,
not really aware of what was happening. Finnaly I became
semi-errect. I entered her and felt nothing. She grunted
and rocked back and forth in a frenzy. I finally came. I
felt nothing. She did not take my heart before
she took my body. I am now madly in love with my fiance’.
We dont have “sex”, we make love. When she touches me,
she feels me whole being, and I feel her’s. If you are a
man, you this way deep down inside underneath all of your
false exterior. Accept it, or you’re just like all the rest

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience