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No regrets, By Robynn

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: his basement (his room)
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

My first time was with a guy, we will call Joe. I met him in the May before the cool day we did the deed in september. He lived in a bad area of town. I worshipped the ground he walked on. Joe turned me into a bad girl. Not that I was a goody goody, I was just neutral. We hung out for the first day we met each other for 3 days straight, for 18 hour days. Later, we saw each other about once a week. I loved him so much, but I didnt know how he felt about me and to this day I still dont know. I had never been so serious about anyone before. And I had never felt like that about anyone else before. We had little code words, “stuff” was sex, “other stuff” was a blow job and “different stuff” was a hand job. One day in late May I snuck out of my house after my dad went to bed and went over to his house. That night I gave him head. That was the first guy I had ever given head to. I went home early the next morning before my dad woke up.
Summer came along and we didnt talk through the whole thing. I still had so much burning passion towards him though. I just wouldnt get over him, no matter how little I saw him. I thought he was like God.
When school came around again I was feeling good about myself and so on september 3rd I called Joe. We talked like we used to and I was in love with him all over again. He persuded me to sneak out like I used to and come see him again. We hadnt chilled in a while. But he obviously had other things in mind, as did I. I said I couldnt because I had just turned over a new leaf when school started after getting into lots of trouble. But my love for him came into play and I finally agreed. Im a sucker for begging. 🙂 So I waited for my mom to go to bed and I jumped out of my second story apartment window, planning on coming back in through the door. When I got outside I realized I hadnt unlocked the chain from inside, so I coudltn be able to get back in! I was angry but I got over it and ran to the bus station to catch the last bus. I took the bus to the next bus station and there were no more busses going to his place! I was alone, in the cold, flourescent lit bus station, with no transportation for hours. So I cried. I sat there alone and cried. I finally gathered my witts and picked up the phone to call him. I didnt have a quarter! I called the operator and asked her to connect me because it was an emergency. She said to call collect and I new I couldnt do that. But I had to, I had no other choice. So I called collect and he accepted. We talked and he was surprised I was there. He didnt think I was coming. He told me to start walking to him place and he would meet me half way. So I left. I met up with him halfway, like he said and as soon as I saw him I decided that I coudnt do it. I coudlnt have sex with him. We got to his place and silently went into his basement, where his room is. He put on some music and we layed on his bed. We talked. I asked him why he didnt have any feeling. He began to tell me how he was just a kid having fun. Life was short and you have to live it up while you can. He said he only had another year to fool around before he had to become serious. Like he said, he WAS just a kid having fun. Thats when I decided I wanted to do it. I wasnt to go through with it. I had wanted to do it for so long and this was my chance. So, we did it. It hurt a little when he first entered and I told him to go slow. He respected that and did. He asked me if I was okay. I thought that was so sweet. I remember thinking, “I am actually doing this!” It was hard to believe. We finished and then decided we should leave before his dad was going to wake up. We got dressed and left. He walked me all the way home, since there still were no busses. We hardly said anything. When I got home, he hugged me and we said goodight. After that day I spoke to him twice and havent heard from him in a while. But I can honestly tell you I dont regret it. I am a person who lives life on impulse and does what feels right. And regretting things is about as useful as eating soup with a fork. I say, go for it if you really want it. And if you want something bad enough, Im a living breathing example that its possible. 🙂

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