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Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: friends basement
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I was 12 years old and just starting to get hair on my balls, Kent, an older boy next door took several of the boys in the neighborhood down to the creek near our house and showed us all how to masterbate. Norman and I were good friends and used to camp out in his back yard together in the summer a lot. We would always masturbate together and sometimes we would masterbate each other.

One day I was in the basement of his house while his parents were gone and we decided to masturbate. Norman asked if he could give me a blow job and I said yes. He sucked on my dick and it felt really good. I shot my cum into his mouth and all over his face. He washed his face and asked me to give him a blow job too. I did and sucked him until he shot his load. We pulled our pants up and played some games for a while.

After a while we were both getting horny again and Norman said it would be fun to butt fuck each other. He said he would fuck me first and then I could fuck him. I droped my pants and layed on the edge of the bed while Norman greased up my ass. He slowly slide his dick up my ass and fucked me. It felt really good having his dick slide in and out and I got a hard on while he was doing it. Before he could cum I shot my load all over the bed spread, so when he was finished fucking me I couldn’t an erectinon to fuck him. While we were waiting for me to get hard his mother came home and I didn’t get a chnace to fuck him.

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