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Not a Joke

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Friend's bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

I wnt to visit my friend Derek. His mom told he he was upstairs in his room, and to just go up. Derrek and I were the same age, and we had been friends since for ever. We grew up together.

Anyway, I wnt up to his room, and opened the door to his bedroom, and I found him naked, on his bed, jerking off.

So jokingly, and I really mreant it as a joke, even though I was attracted to guys, I asked him if he needed help. Well, he must have thought I was serious, and he said that yes he could use some help.

So, I went in the room, and took over.

Derek and I llayed together for a few years, untiol he moved away 3 years later, at 18.

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