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Not Exactly, but EMBARASSING….

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: church lockin
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

wow, this isn’t exactly belong on this site, but i though i’d tell you about it…
so i was at a church lockin with this girl whos really popular and not really friends with me anymore (this was like 2 yrs ago). so we were just hanging out, and i was just standing up and she was sitting on the floor. then she pantsed me (idk why but it was kinda common at my school then). i didnt realized but my UNDERWEAR had come down! she started laughing like crazy and i didnt wanna be all crying and sad like i really felt like doing, so i just laugh w/ her like it was no big deal. wow. i was sooo emabarassed. why? not because she ‘saw’ me. because she told everyone… gawd that bitch. she told EVERYONE when we went back to school and she was like yeah jamie lost her virginity to me! people were talking about me like crazy (and still are…) and i felt so embarrassed. but i always try to look like i dont care….oh well. its been 2 yrs and i still cant get over it…

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