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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: In a boat, on a trailer, in a garage
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

One day Tom came over to see Sis.

Everyone was gone except me. I was in the garage working on a school poster. I invited Tom to join me in the garage. We talked while I finished my poster. Afterward, we climbed into our boat, which was on a trailer in the garage. We sat in the seats, played with the radios and messed around with other stuff for a few minutes, then we crawled forward into the small cabin and flopped on the cushions in there.

Tom kissed me. I kissed him back. It was the first time I had kissed a boy other than give a peck on the cheek, with a bunch of people around watching.

We embraced and kissed a long time, then we started feeling all over each other’s body. I mean ALL over. Soon I was naked, and I was taking his clothes off.

Sis had told me in great detail, what to do when my first opportunity arrived. I lay back, spread my legs, raised my knees and held myself open. Tom crawled over me. I guided him, and he started pushing his dick into me. I was bone dry. I told him it was not comfortable. He stopped pushing immediately. We looked around and found some cold cream in the cabinet. We applied it generously to each other, and tried again.

Tom’s dick slid gently and painlessly all the way into me. I felt real full inside, but there was no pain. I liked it a lot. It was just like Sis told me it would be the first time. She also said it gets better each time.

Tom sucked my nipples and caressed me all over. He stroked his dick in and out of me a long time. We changed positions several times, and re-applied the cold cream as needed. He rolled me onto my back, shoved his dick deep into me, and started hunching me real hard. A moment later I could feel his dick squirting his stuff inside me.

After he was through, we relaxed a moment, then: Terror !
We heard a garage door opener start. The door of the empty stall next to us opened up. We were scared shitless!

We didn’t move or make a sound. Dad walked right by us, pushed the button to close the garage door, and went into the house. Whew !, What a relief!

We quickly and quietly dried off on some towels, dressed, slipped out the side door and ran to the hamburger stand around the corner. We cleaned up better in the restrooms, groomed our hair and came out looking somewhat normal.

We ordered two hot dogs to go, and walked back to the house. When we came in the door, Dad asked where we had been. “Well … I finished my schoolwork, and I was hungry, so Tom bought us hot dogs”. That satisfied him.

We ate the hot dogs and went outside. Tom kissed me and we promised each other we would keep this secret from everyone. We also promised to do it again as soon as we got the chance.

Tom and Sis were Seniors. I would become a freshman after the end of the next semester. Now I understand why Sis had so many boyfriends. If they all liked doing it with her as much as I enjoyed doing it with Tom, no wonder.


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