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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: camping
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

this is strange. i am not even sure if this is right or not. and as a japanese-american i have been brought up with some very strict principles. but i have trouble with the feelings that i have in my heart. it makes my stomach ache sometimes. for months now i have been slowly developing a friendship with a boy in my school names lyndolph. he is a little taller than me, a little less muscular but still athletic, very very blonde hair unlike my very black hair and ivory fair skin. he is easy going and has all kinds of friends and so i wanted to be around him as i don’t get any time from my parents to spend making friends. we are on the swim team together and he is a little faster than me which is why he is the captain, we have math together and english. lyndolph is that sweet, kind-eyed, strong person that i have always just felt comfortable and safe around. i had no real idea what he thought of me even though we talked and had spent some time together. i knew his family because i had gone to his house to tutor him a couple of times in math. my parents thought that this would show up well on my record, and his parents thought that i was just a really nice boy. this last week i was at my locker and one of the football gorillas came up and shoved me very hard splitting my lip on the door edge and cracking one of the collar bones. i yelled “hey jappy, watch out for those grenades!” i was stunned and had never been a racial target like that before. i just went down on my knees in pain as he and his friends walked away. suddenly out of my confusion lyndolph ran up and kicked my attacker between the legs and then hit him in his throat with some kind of martial art swing of his hand and yelled “hey asshole, watch the shit that comes out of your mouth!”….later he said he just couldn’t think of anything more clever at the time but i appreciated it. sadly the principle did not. in the end both the football jerk and lyndolph were suspended for two weeks and daily anger management therapy at their parents expense. anyways..while lyndolph was out of school i talked my parents into letting me go over and give him his school work and help him with it so he could keep up. and after they went over and met his family and were satisfied that he wasn’t a violent animal or that his family weren’t ‘a bad influence’ it was agreed that if i kept up my grades i could help him. after a week of him coming over my shoulder and lip weren’t hurting so bad and we were even joking about what had happened. and i told him that i really appreciated what he did. he laughed and said that the jerk threatened to kill him when he came back but that he would just take care of it off school grounds. then he got very serious and his sky blue eyes got moist and he got a little closer to me. he put his hand on my bare arm and said “hey, i take care of my friends. everyone wants to hang out with the captain of the swim team but with you i feel like i can really count on you to be a friend and help me with anything when i am in trouble.” at that point he started to clear his throat and close his eyes and a couple tears came down his cheek. i was confused so i told him that i was confused because my parents always had me studying or playing violin or taking college prep tests or something and i just felt lucky to have someone nice like him that let me hang around. well, long story short we ended up hugging and he cried a bit and it really felt good to hold him in my arms and comfort him but also to know he felt that way about me. the next day i came over and we settled into our work and he hesitated for a while and kept glancing at me and i thought maybe he just didn’t want to be embarrassed by his emotional weakness yesterday. but instead after about an hour he asked me if he could tell me a secret that had been like carrying around an elephant and there was no one else in the world he felt he could tell who wouldn’t betray him in some way. i assured him that he could tell me anything but he told it was really hard to understand and made me swear. so i did. he stood in front of me and hesitated a moment longer and we stopped what we were doing and he leaned towards me and lightly pecked me on the cheeks like you see in a french movie, i was confused but cool cuz he was such a good friend and then he took me in his arms and kissed my mouth! OMG! i suddenly felt a surge of sensation in my mind, in my eyes as they became wet and in my lower parts and even weak knees. in my family we had no physical contact other than my mothers sterile goodnight kiss on my forehead! i just thought that his family was more huggy and had more open physical contact rules. he quickly withdrew and looked at me almost as if waiting for me to slap him. and i stood there not knowing what to do. but i thought that i should do the same in return if this was something that his family did. so i kissed both cheeks and then kissed him on the mouth. this time i was sure that i detected a little bit of his tongue in my mouth but i withdrew normally. this time he was less nervous. i asked him if this was normal in his family. he got nervous again and laughed until he rubbed his aching shoulder and sat on his bed. “no,” he said, “i was trying to tell you that thing that was so hard to say…that i am gay….i like other boys.” i was stunned. he always had girls around him and then there were the rumors about him and girls. i was very innocent and asked him to explain what this meant and if this meant that we could not be good friends any more. a couple of hours later it was time for me to go and he had explained everything. i was relieved that were still good friends. i had always had a very special like of him since grade school. after friday we planed to meet saturday to study for the exam on monday together. i had 6 hours of violin and tutoring for college prep physics for 2 hours before i could be off for the day so i got over to his house at 4:30pm with permission to sleep over as long as i got home in time to spend 4 hours on my own studying for the exam the next day. my parents must have felt very pleased with my new friend as i had never had such freedom before! lyndoph want to play basketball in his back yard but i had no shorts. so he loaned me some and put on some himself. i noticed how well his body was filling out and asked him what he was doing other than swimming. he said “lifting weights and judo.” he asked me why japanese and japanese-american guys always had such nice muscular bodies and good smooth skin. i thought that was an odd question but when i thought about it, it was true mostly, so i said “i lift some weight at school and i think we our shorter limbs let us build muscles faster or something (i didn’t really know).” he looked at me and grabbed me around the neck as we both tumbled onto the bed and said “thank you dr. oz!, now i wish i was like you!” i joked and said “then your parents would make you work hard all the time and never make friends till you were 13!” i don’t remember everything but i like to be thorough in this story because it was so wonderful. as it was we ended up in a wrestling match in our gym shorts on his bed. i still remember how his smooth white warm skin felt against me and his eyes got so serious and moist he was just inches from my face and said “i got ya!” i also felt a pressure against me in my groin but he quickly got up and turned away and headed for the basketball court near the pool. i liked the way his back was well muscled and he had that perfect ‘V’ shape of a strong athlete.we went down and played 1 on 1 for a couple hours until we were both worn out and his mom came home and we sat at the counter and talked with her while she kept asking us questions and shoving food at us. soon we were both full and we just kept talking and i realized how nice she was and where lyndoph got his personality and carefree attitude from. i noticed that she kept smiling and looking back and forth between lyndolph and i as if she had some secret and then she would go on and talk about other things. she never asked about girl friends or awkward stuff but just enjoyed the time we shared. i thought she was a very cool person. at 13 there are more than just oriental parents that feel they have to control every minute of their kids lives. she was just happy to be a part of it. then she asked if we wanted to go swimming but i hadn’t brought a suit. but she said i could just wear a pair of lyndolph’s if it was cool with him. i got really nervous when lyndolph answered seriously, “no, mom, i think that those who have them wear them and those who don’t don’t!…sorry chum!” i was horrified until he laughed and she smiled at me and i knew that it was a joke. we don’t joke at my house. well, we went up to lyndolph’s room and went through his shorts and me trying them on until we found a pair that would fit. they were too small for him and a little tight for me so he just suggested i don’t wear underwear. he did the same and used my sore shoulder to lean on and i pulled away in pain and we both fell over with shorts around our ankles. he started laughing and i was a little mad but i knew he didn’t mean to do it so i brushed it off. suddenly he quit laughing and realized what he had done and gently pulled me over to him and held me against him and asked me of i was okay. he wiped the tear out of my eye and stared at my eyes while were were there naked and nearly facing each other. he asked where it hurt and when i showed him and he rubbed it with his hand and bent over to kiss it gently. then he very lightly hugged me to him and asked me to forgive him. suddenly i remembered being totally nude and in the arms of a nude guy and didn’t know what to do. he kissed my cheeks again and then kissed me on the mouth and pulled back, “you know i’m so sorry nukito. i would never hurt you.” i felt good but confused, i felt our bodies hot against each other and lyndolph getting very hard. without warning i felt like kissing him back and before i could do it his mouth met mine and his tongue slid into mine and explored my tongue and teeth. in just a few moments i stopped resisting and began to do the same back. his hands went up and down my back and i began to do the same. he separated and asked me “are you okay?” i just nodded as i felt my penis become erect against his body. we just stood there and experienced it as it happened. then we realized his mom was knocking and asked if were coming down still and we both shouted “yeah!” just a little too loud and pulled our shorts up and headed for the door. the rest of the evening went by in a blur and we had fun racing and swimming, i figured out where lyndolph got his amazing thin but athletic body when i first saw his mom in her bikini. it was a super thin white, nearly see-thru material that showed every detail of her firm, hot boobs and pussy…which was clearly shaved…(that much i knew about from hearing my friends in the locker room and my home instruction on anatomy college entry prep. we got out after a while and they had an open shower with some towels in a cupboard nearby and i saw both him and his mom just strip down and one at a time stand under the shower for about five minutes washing the chlorine off and then grabbing a towel. i realized it was like the locker room so i pretended that i did this every day but i had to think about my grandma and grandpa having sex or the principle standing naked while he gave his boring speeches to keep myself in proper size. she wiped the wetness off his back and then when i came over she did the same for me and then turned toward us both she asked if we were too tired for ice cream? simple, at 13 your never too tired for ice cream! she noticed the wet shine in my hair and said i needed to wash out the rinse and asked lyndolph to help me finish up while she went in and got ice cream out. so i watched the goddess go away and the greek god come towards me. he laughed and pushed me towards the shower being careful of my shoulder. he stepped under the water with me and began to rub in my hair back and forth and as he did i felt his body bump me from behind. then he came around front and asked me to bow my head and he rubbed some more which caused other parts to bump and i had to scream hideous thoughts into my brain so his mom wouldn’t see me getting an erection in the shower with her son. finally he was satisfied and he winked at me and asked “well, was that so bad?” i just shook my head as we dried again and helped each other with the back areas and he just dropped his towel and walked into the house naked. i was sure i shouldn’t do this so i put my towel around me and headed in. his mom was in a robe but stopped me and told me that she preferred me leave the towel on the patio. i just blushed and took the towel off and tossed it on the pile they had left and walked into the kitchen towards the stairs and lyndolph’s room. she stopped me and asked me if i was having a good time, “yes ma’am”, was lyndolph and i getting along well and seemed determined to start a conversation with a naked teen boy as if it were totally normal! soon lyndolph came down and tossed me a pair of his loose button front boxers like he was wearing and i quickly put them on there in the kitchen as she served up ice cream. i noticed as i sat down that lyndolph was having a little trouble keeping little lyndolph in his boxers. and after he teased me by sliding his hand up the inside of my thigh when his mom was turned around i was having the same problem. we quickly gobbled up our dessert and excused ourselves for the night. by this time it was over an hour past my bed time and it had been a very different evening that what i was used to…but not in a terrible way. i asked him where the guest room was and he looked confused. “dude, it’s only a sleep over if you sleep in the same room and stay up talking late ‘n stuff.” i didn’t know what was supposed to happen so i got into his bed with him and we lay there talking about all kinds of things. his mom came in and leaned over us and gave him that kiss on both cheeks and then on the mouth with a sparkle in her eyes as if she was very happy with him as her son…another experience i had not experienced…and then she leaned over me and told me that she very much enjoyed me coming over and being a part of their family for the day. then she gave me the same kisses. they were so tender and wonderful that i couldn’t help not starting to let out a sob and let a few tears escape. this was the first time i had felt such strong emotions and family love and very real acceptance. lyndolph’s mom was immediately concerned and asked me what was wrong. and i couldn’t express it without crying more and i was embarrassed as she hugged me and held me and just kept saying “it’s alright, hon’.” lyndolph just quietly told her that my family didn’t express very much love or warmth and they didn’t touch each other to express it at all. we talked about that for a while until if couldn’t cry anymore and when i woke up she was still holding me and rocking me back and forth. “did you know you cry in your sleep, nukito?” i just shook my head and she asked me if i felt better and if it was okay if she went to bed now. i was surprised that lyndolph was still awake and he said very seriously, ” It’s alright mom, i’ll take over and we’ll be okay.” I felt so safe. it was a feeling that was really new to me. no fear of failure, fear of disappointment or anger to drive achievement harder. just total acceptance and love. lyndolph’s mom got up and left and i lay there thinking about everything. suddenly i felt lyndolph move up behind me and fit his body to mine. he lay his arm over my chest and kissed and ran his lips along my neck and shoulder. he inhaled deeply as his nose was pressed into my hair. i just enjoyed his presence. it was how my body responded to his that was confusing. i knew that i wanted to be here with him forever and touch and kiss him allover but i thought that was not right. when i didn’t respond to him or say anything he asked if i was alright. i asked him if all these feelings were normal. he said yes and no. they were all normal to people who were more in touch with and at peace with themselves as complete people. but as for the sexual feelings, they were only okay if i was okay with them and felt that i could go further with them. that if in any way i thought they were wrong that i should not act yet and maybe never. the way i felt now, that made me sad and i turned towards him and sat up and carefully put both arms around him to avoid pain. he did the same. i began to kiss him and put my tongue into his mouth. before long we had both slipped our shorts off and where naked together and acting like a very stimulated couple. we sat facing and interlaced so that our penis’ and balls lay against each other. i have never been hugged so tightly or felt stronger emotions. it was like fireworks going off inside my body. after about three hours, around midnight, we finally came to the point that we wanted to express full love to each other. i grabbed some hand cream and put some on and entered lyndolph with his legs to the side and his bottom on a pillow so we could face each other and continue to kiss. i sucked his nipples and neck and licked his face and kissed his eyes. when i came i had never had such an experience. my body felt like it would come apart and explode. my love grew deeper and i knew we would spend life together. it was pure and wonderful and incredibly perfect. love. i knew i want him to have the same feeling so i let him do the same to me. it felt like a lot of pressure because he was bigger than me but his eyes let me know that he was having all the same feelings. it was extraordinary to give that gift to someone after feeling that life would be as sterile as my parents’ to have lyndolph breathing into my face and kissing and tongue in my mouth, to finish with him sucking on my erection.. i will never hope to have such an experience again. but we are going to try whenever i can get permission to stay over. all we have to do is keep it secret from my family and the bullies at school and everyone will be ……just fine….

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