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Nurse Leanne

Age when it happend: 40
Where it happened: Hospital bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

This may seem unbelievable, but it happened. When I was 40 years old, I had to have open-heart surgery. It happened late last year. After 2 days in the intensive care unit, following the operation, I was transferred to a regular room on the heart patient ward in our local hospital. There were a bevy of different nurses that took care of me for the next several days — none of them particularly outstanding in their looks. But, the day before I was discharged, this gorgeous brunette, about 35, came in with my medications, and then proceeded to take my blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate. I hadn’t seen such a good-looking woman in so long, I got an almost immediate hard-on while she was taking care of me, and it became quite visible through the light sheet that I had over me. “Would you like me to check that out, too?” she remarked, pointing at my erection.Playing along, I said, “Be my guest,” I said, never expecting anything to really happen. With that, she went over and shut the door to my room and pulled the curtain around my bed. I had a double room, but the other bed was empty. She then peeled back the sheet that was covering me, and raised my hospital gown, revealing my fully erect 9″. Then she sat on the chair next to my bed and leaned over and took me fully into her mouth and began administering fellation such as I had never experienced in my life. I had seen the movie,”Deep Throat” when I was a teenager, and she had every bit of the technique that was used by Linda Lovelace in that film. After about ten minutes, I could hold back no long and I came and came and came, releasing weeks of pent-up energy and sperm into her throat. I was in 7th heaven! Never had a blow job like that in my life. After she had finished, she asked me if I wanted my heart rate checked again. I told her we’d better wait until I calmed down. She left after straightening her uniform and replacing my gown and sheet, pulling back the curtain, and walking out the door. I never saw her again after that, because I was discharged the next day. The pin on her uniform said, Leanne. I’ll always remember that name and that glorious 20 minutes with the nicest nurse I’ve ever known.

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