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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: her bedroom =]
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok so… i thought i was gunna grow old with this chick.. i loved her so much, but she was a SLUT! not sex wise, but she dated around ALOT! well, she wanted her first time to special, i just wanted to fuck and get past my first time… so i wasnt a virgin ne more, but i mean i rlly loved her. well i was supposed to be on my way home from my friend seans house, but i had him drive me over to her house for a min, well that min turned into a half hour of sex… he sat out side and smoked the two ciggerates i gave him while i got my shit on. i went in her house, she was up in her room, waiting for me. i got to her room, and the instant i saw her, i TORE her clothes off, wipped out a condom.. and i pulled her to the edge of her bed, and shuved my shit in there =] lol. well after it was done, she was still naked, and i was fully dressed and walked out, the only thing i said the hole time was hi… and i love you. ik it sounds like im a dick… but im in love some one else now, and its AMAZING!!! shes a virgin, and ill wait till the day i die for her, or till the world is completly sumbmerged in water from global wamring… Ayla<3333

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