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Oh Baby

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: in my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

We were just married. We drove to our motel after the ceremony. It had been a drive of 250 miles. We had been going together for eight months and had engaged in manual and oral stimulation. I had been anxiously awaiting vaginal sex. As we entered the room we started kissing and carressing each others eager bodies. We stripped each other’s clothes off. Then explored all of the interesting recesses of each other’s bodies. I stimulated her breasts with my mouth and fingers. She massaged my nipples. I stimulated her genitals with my hands and mouth. I carressed every inch of her body with my tongue and fingers. As she touched my penis I thought it might be the end, but I concentrated on what could be for later. In a few minutes, she invited me to enter her vagina with my penis. The pleasure was more than the dreams that I had entertained since puberty ( which for me strted at 11). I thrust and thrust until I began to hear the pleasure tones from her and from me. We both were driven wild by the sensations. Before long we both exploded in fabulous orgasms. After a nap we continued our explorations. Seven times that night we endulged our long awaited pleasures. We stayed for seven days in that location. Then movedto a new location for three nights. Each night was the same pleasurable repitition of exploring with all of our senses the long awaited pleasures of the marital bed. For 37 years we have continued to explore the gifts that we gave each oither on our wedding night. We hope to continue for many more.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience