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Oh god yeah.

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: work
Langauge: english.
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We couldn’t have been any more different from each other. I was 15 and he was… a lot older than me. About ten years older. But hey. You’re supposed to be honest right?
Well, me and him were working together at the shop, when our boss said she had to go pick up her daughter and take her for some school shopping. We were pouring candles (as it was a candle shop) and she said she would just close down outside, but we could work until all the candles were put done and put away. No big deal.
So then we had all of the candles poured, but we had to wait for them to cool down before we could do anything else. Plus, he was the kinda guy who would take breaks whenever possible. Not that I protested.
So for a while, we were just sittting there, drinking our soda’s in silence. Then we started talking, and somehow started talking about how I was a virgin.
“so you’ve never had sex?” He asked me and I shook my head.
“Nope. Never even experimented with it or anything. I’ve only ever been kissed once.” I said and he just threw his head back in laughter. “John! It’s not funny!!” I said, leaning over and slapping him on the shoulder. “I’m almost sixteen! It’s humiliating!” I said and he just kept on laughing.
“I’m sorry…” He said in between his laughing.
“If you were sorry, you wouldn’t be laughing at me for my misfortune!” I teased, and he just smiled at me.
“I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at those poor boys your age who are obviously blind!” he said and I almost choked on my soda.
“WHat?! Blind? John, are you paying me a compliment?” I asked him, teasing more. He laughed.
“Yes I am. You are a very sexy, very young, petite thing, girl… and if no boy wants a part of that, that’s their fault. Hell, god knows I do.” he said, and he took another chug of his drink. I couldn’t though, I was too shocked.
“You do?” I asked him, and he just lowered his can of soda, looked me in the eyes and nodded slowly.
“Well… yeah. Duh.” he said. He acted like his words made no difference. Little did he know that I had had a crush on him for a while, and hearing that was… insane. I couldn’t speak for a while. I just kinda stared at him and him at me. Then he smiled. “Girl… I know what you’re thinking. Or at least I hope I do. But uh… you know I’m too old for you. A lot of trouble could go down if we did anything.” He said and I felt my stomach leap.
“no one needs to know…” I said. He immediately got up and left the room. I knew that I had blown it.
I got up and went back to work, cutting the extra wicks off of the candles so that they could be cleaned. I hadn’t seen John since what I said.
Then I felt hands on my hips. I whirled around to see him staring at me. He pulled me closer to him and then he leaned down and kissed me passionately. I moved my hand up to his neck and rifled my hand through his hair. My stomach twisted and turned, in a good way, and I felt a yerning for him… I WANTED him.
He suddenly lifted his lips off of mine.
“If you really want too… meet me in the break room.” he said and with that, turned and left. I just stood there for a while staring at him, and the idea of what was about to happen sank in. I was about to have sex.

So when I walked into the break room, I saw him standing against the wall opposite of me. I closed the door and he turned to look at me.
“This is a very bad idea.” he said and I smiled at him, looking to the floor.
“I know…” I said. But then I walked up to him, and timidly stood up on my tippy toes, put my hand behind his neck and kissed him. “But I want too.” I said as I leaned back down.
“Are you sure? It might hurt.” He said and my head leaped up into my throat. He actually CARED.
“I’m sure.” I said and with that, he kissed me so passionately, I instantly got wet. Our tongues wrestled, as he lifted me up into the air, and walked me over to the couch. He leaned down over me, and the weight of him ontop of me felt AMAZING.
He started kissing me down my neck and licking my skin with his tongue with each kiss. I couldn’t stand it. I sighed and moaned, digging my fingertips into his back, tryin to pull him even closer to me, even though I wasn’t sure if it was possible. Then he slid his hands beneath me and pulled me up in a sitting position. He slid his hands down and beneath my shirt and I realized that this was it. He was going to see me naked. Greeeeaaat… I didn’t have the best body, lets just say. I pulled away from his magic lips.
“John, im really not that good looking naked. You’d be surprised the amount of work that clothes do in making someone look good.” I said out of breath. He smiled at me.
“Well, I’ll tell you a secret. I’m no tin the best of shape either.” he said. Then he kissed me again, leaning over to nibble on my ear lobe.
“Oh god…” I sighed and I heard him let out a low chuckle.
Then he started to lifted up my shirt. He sat up as he pulled it up and over my head. He looked down at me, caressing my skin with his rough, calloused hands. God it was amazing to have him actually TOUCH me.
He reached around and undid the snapps on my bra, but then paused.
“Are you sure?” He asked me again, and I just nodded. Then he slowly pulled it off of me. He tossed it to the side, and, ignoring how his eyes were glued to my 36c cup chest, I pulled his shirt off of him. His tanned skin was beautiful. Sure he wasn’t in the best of shape, but then again, who really was.
“OH, youre so beautiful…” He said and then he pushed my down gently to the couch. I closed my eyes as he kissed down my neck. Then I felt him close his mouth around my nipple and I gasped aloud.
“OH!” I yelled out as he gently caught my nipple between his teeth and flicked it gently with his wet tongue, and then he kissed it and continued the same thing with the other, massing the first with his hand.
“Oh, my god! Oh!” I cried out each time he flicked it. He kissed it one last time before returning to kiss my lips, and I felt his hand slide down my shorts. When he touched my ‘area’ I gasped in shock.
“Oh my!” I said and he just laughed at me.
“I want to please you… I want to make you scream.’ He said, his voice rough and dirty. and then I felt him start to play with me. I sighed and moaned as he whispered ‘Oh, you like that don’t you? Yeah you fucking do… Oh yeah, you like that….” over and over in my ear. Then he, still playing with me through my shorts, returned to sucking on my nipples.
“OH john!” I yelled as I came the first time. He laughed as he looked up and kissed me fiercly.
“Oh, that’s just the first…” He said and I sighed a laugh. He then went down and undid my shorts, sliding them off of me. I heard him undo his pants as well, but I didn’t look up at him. I was too overcom with the emoions of my own body. Then, after a second of nohing happening, I opened my eyes and saw him staring over me.
“Is something wrong?” I asked him, starting to worry. He smiled and shook his head.
“Oh girl, there aint nothing wrong with you…” He said and then I slid my eyes down to his hard as wood dick. It was at least 8 inches, and for a second I was a bit worried. Then he grabbed me by my hips and turned me so that I was sitting up right, and he spread my legs, getting down in his knees.
“I’m gonna make you scream my name…” He said and with that, he put his face into my pussy, licking furiously.
“Oh, my god! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” I cried out over and over again, as he played wih my clit with his tongue. Him eatint me out felt so good than I’d ever imagined. He licked all mu juices up like crasy. Looking at his face in my pussy made me even more horny.
Then, after I had come again, he asked me to suck on him. I told him I didn’t know how, and honestly(I didn’t tell him this) I wasn’t sure if I wanted too. But then he told me how and then told me I didn’t have to if I didn’t want too. I felt like I owed him a bit for getting me off twice, and plus, I was kinda anxious to see what it was like.
So he put his hard cock in my mouth and I started to lick it and suck on it as best I could, and he startd moaning like crazy.
“OH damn…. Oh, fuck you’re good… You sure you never did this before?” He asked me and I just shook my head. I pulled him out of my mouth.
“No. this is my first time.” I said and then I licked the length of this shaft and then started to suck on his head really hard, playing with his balls too. The he pulled himself out of my mouth, leaned down and kissed me like crazy.
“Oh John…” I said as he kissed me down my neck again. He laid me back down and then told me he was gonna enter me.
“please… Be gentle…” I said to him and he looked up at me.
“Are you sure… Listen I know this is like the fifth undredthtime I’ve aske dyou but… Are you really sure?” And I answered by leaning up and giving him a soft kiss.
“Never been more sure of anything.” I said and wih that he started to kiss me even harder.
“I’m gonna put it in quick… It’ll hurt less. If that’s alright with you.” He said and I nodded, grabbing him at the back of his neck and bringing his lips back down on mine, wanting more of his magic kiss.
Then I felt a searing pain and I screamed. He asked me if I was okay, and I said yes, though I wimpered.
:Keep goaing.”I said and he just looked at me.
“If it gets too much, tell me…” HE said, and then he started pullling out slowly. Pumping in and out. It felt AMAZING as the pleasure overroad my pain. I heard him moaning too.
“Oh god… Damn, fucking damn, you’re so tight…” He said, still going slowly. I couldn’t take it.
“Oh… Harder, john HARDER!” I yelled, craving more of him. I heard him give me a really deep chuckle and started to fuck me harder. He pumped me so hard I felt dizzy. I heard him going in and out of me and I couldn’t stand it, He went deeper and deeper.
I sure did scream his name. Over and over again.
“Oh… Oh fuck!” He said over and over again, pushing in and out of me faster and faster.
“FUCK!” I yelled, the first time I’d ever cussed in front o fhim. It obviously turned him on even more, because he started going even faster. then sense over welmed me.
“DO you have protection on?” I aske dhima nd he nodded.
“Im not an idiot.” He said playfully, and then he started going fast again, making me moan, clawing at his back. We were both moaning (me a bit louder than him) and then he came.
I came a few seconds after that with a scream of pleasure.
He laid down next to me and he just smiled, kissing me over an dover.
“God… I’d wanted to do that for so fucking long.” he said to me and I just smiled.
“me too… God I wish I wasn’t so young. WE could do this more often.” I said as I rolled over on top of him and kissed him. I started stroking his cock and it went hard again. He just smiled at me.
“Who says we cant? We’ll just have to be careful.” He said, and then he gave me one of his amazing, low lauhgs.
I started to jerk him off and then I went down on him, sucking his hard cock until he exploaded in my mouth. I wasn’t sure if I liked the taste of it, but I swallowed it anways. He just smiled at me.
WE kept at it like crazy, until I was finally 18, and we came out as a couple. He was 28 by now, and my mom wasn’t too pleased, but she wasn’t too angry either. We eventually got married, believe it or not, and sex is better then ever, and we still occasionaly do it at the candle shop.
You know what my mom said when I first told her about me and him? He’s a bit old for you , you know. Little did she know that I lost my virginity to him when I was fifteen!
I love you John.

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