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oh my god!

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so it did not go the way i had seen it in my head but it was still perfect. him and i were at school talking. we talked about the strangest things. he had no idea that i liked him and apparently i had no idea he liked me. as i went in to go put my flute in the instrument closet he went in behind me. I turned around and bam! he kissed me. we kissed for like a whole 5 minutes. It was like one of those kisses you see on tv that just make you go awwww…or at least i hope it was. as he pulled away he asked if we were still on for studying and i said wouldnt miss it for the world. Later after school i rode home with him. His mom dropped us off. his mom had no idea what would happen and neither did we. when we got in his house he told me to make myself a home so i sit down on the couch. He went to go get 2 bottles of water one for me and one for him. when he sit down beside me i asked him why he kissed me. he said because he has always wanted to. i smiled. He leaned in and kissed again. This time he put his hand around my waist. he pushed me back as he continued to kiss me. he let go and asked if i wanted to go somewhere a bit more comfortable. I said sure. we went up to his room. we sit down on the bed and continued from where we stopped at. we kissed for what seemed like a lifetime. he started at my shirt and i pushed him up and he asked if i was okay. i said yeah but i never did anything like this. He looked at me and asked if i wanted to. I said yeah. he smiled and said are you sure? i dont want you to do anything your not comfortable doing. I laughed and said im not doing anything im not comfortable with. he smiled and said okay. He got a condom out of his bedside table drawer and told me to undress him and he would do the same for me. I did as i was told. later he put the condom on and he asked if i was ready. i said yeah. he lay on top of me without putting all his weight on me. He went in slowly. it took about 5 minutes for him to be all the way in. Before he reached all the way, i was already in tears. But i was glad he was enjoying himself. Every inch that went into me was a pleasurable gasp for him. He asked if i was okay and i said yeah just hold on. We sit there for a while. I told him to continue and he did so. he went so slow but it still hurt like hell. it started feeling really goo after about 3 minutes i would say. He was know thrusting so fast and deep too. he and i were both gasping for air when we could and moaning so loud it wasnt even funny. He was on the break of an orgasm and well i have aleready had like 4 of them so yeah. He pulled out right before he did because he didnt want to take a risk and shoot it in me even though we did have a condom…better safe than sorry right? anyway, that had to be the best life of my life for sure. we are together today and i live him with my whole life and vise versa. (:

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